Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 9.djvu/374

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��Banks and Bankers of Concord.

��The bauk has had six presi- dents, — Samuel Green. Joseph Low, Francis N. Fisk, Samuel Coffin, Jo- seph B. Walker, and Samuel S. Kim- ball ; and four treasurers, — Samuel Morrill, James Moulton, Jr., Charles W. Sargent, and William P. Fiske.

At present the trustees are Samuel S. Kimball, Enoch Gerrish, Jesse P. Bancroft, Francis A. Fisk, Joseph B. Walker, John H. Stewart, Oliver Pillsbury, Sylvester Dana, M. H. Bradley, George H. Marston, P. B. Cogswell, Mark R. Holt, William G. Carter, Charles T. Page, John C. Thorne, John H. George, Samuel C. Eastman, and Henry McFarland.

The resources of the bank in July, 1886, amounted to $3,136,681.40. There were over six thousand deposi- tors, who were secured by a surplus of $119,048.29, a guaranty fund of $135,000, and an increased value on stocks and bonds amounting to $215,- 864.00. If the depositors should make a run on the bank after their savings were withdrawn, there would remain a balance of $469,912.29.

The bank is probably' one of the strongest, safest, and most carefully and successfully managed of any savings institution in New England.


treasurer of the New Hampshire Sav- ings Bank, son of Francis A. and Abby G. (Perry) Fisk, was born in Concord, December 6, 1853. He re- ceived his education in the public schools of Concord, supplemented by one year's attendance at Phillips academy, at Andover, Massachusetts. In October, 1872, he went into the employ of the New Hampshire Sav- ings Bank as a clerk, receiving his

��appointment as treasurer in 1875- Mr. Fiske is unmarried ; a member of the North Congregational church ; president of the Concord Y. M. C. A. ; treasurer of the Concord City Library ; treasurer of the New Hampshire His- torical Society ; and director of the First National Bank of Concord.

Mr. Fiske is a man of good ex- ecutive ability, strong intellectually, quiet and unassuming, conscientious, conservative, reliable, and safe. He is thoroughly acquainted with finan- cial transactions, and his character for honor, integrity, and uprightness may be known from the imi)ortant trusts reposed in him. He ranks very high as a business man, and his judgment and advice in matters of finance are highly valued. He is an eager student in the best English lit- erature, and has already gathered a choice collection of the standard au- thors. He is a natural musician, and for several years was the leader of his church • choir. Mr. Fiske is a Democrat.


was nicorporated July 2, 1867, and organized May 3, 1870. Hon. Lvman D. Stevens was elected the first pres- ident, and has held the office ever since. The present board of trustees are Ly- man D. Stevens, William M. Chase, John Kimball, John M. Hill, Wood- bridge Odlin, George A. Cummings, James L. Mason, George W. Crock- ett, Daniel Holden, Isaac A. Hill, Le- land A. Smith, Lysander H. Carroll, Benjamin A. Kimball, Henry W. Stevens, and Charles H. Amsden. William M. Chase is vice-president, John Kimball is secretary and treas- urer, and Frank P. Andrews is teller.

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