Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 05.pdf/28

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Deed of Mount Chocortta.

DEED OF MOUNT CHOCORUA. (Recorded in Carroll County (N. H.) Registry of Deeds, Book 49, Page 167.)

TV' NOW all men, Lords, esquires, and peasants, And know all women by these presents, — In short, let all creation know, That I, Bill Fox of Wolfboro, State of New Hampshire, County Carroll, A yeoman bald unused to hair oil, In duplicate consideration Of good will towards my blood relation, And two Bears' feet most oleaginous (Ungrateful let no man imagine us,) To me in hand before enditing, Or ever thought of, was this writing (And which I, bound for land o' Canaan, Will daily rub upon my cranium), . Delivered by one Witt De Carter, A true descended Son of Sparta, And ward ad litcm of old Nimrod The Tutelar saint of gun and ramrod,— Of Ossipee in State aforesaid, And county ditto (be no more said Of that venue for tattlers gossipy, Enough will tell of " righteous " Ossipee!) — Do thus remise, release, and quitclaim, Nor to myself henceforth one whit claim, So long as I am reckoned vital, To said De Witt all right and title Which I or my male tail descendant, In gross in common and appendant, Can claim or hope to claim or covet, While glitters gold and misers love it, In and unto a certain parcel Or piece of land (don't deem it farce all)