Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 15.pdf/197

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The Green Bag.




1 L. R. 13 App. Cas. 31; Shirley's Lead. Cas. p. 289. With apologies to Westminster (and Locksley) Hall. BY CHARLES MORSE. "Porter, may I leave my Gladstone, while as yet 'tis early eve, In your keeping—-Mill it safe be?-—till the train is due to leave f" "Safe as bank vaults," quoth the porter, nourishing a furtive crime, "Trust me, lady, till the train comes in the long result of Time." "Thank yon, Porter! To the cafe I must take m famished course; You will hold it till my hunger shall have spent its novel force."

Falser than all fancy fathoms, falser than all songs have sung! For that porter 'round the station in no mute observance hung. He took up the cherished Gladstone, packed with Christmas presents tight, Smote his corduroys with pleasure as he faded out of sight. O, Amelia, unsuspicious! O, unhappy Amy Bunch! O, the barren station platform! O, the dreary station lunch 1 . Better, Amy, thou wert sitting in the ladies' waiting-place Fasting, and withal the Gladstone in thy silent, fast embrace! Scarce her light refection ended when shrieks loud the engine-horn— Forth she rushes 'midst the train-men, just a target for their scorn. Then she dipped into the distance far as human eye could see, Saw no vision of the porter, nor the bag that ought to be. Gone her bargain-counter gleanings! This is truth the poet sings, That a woman's crown of sorrow is rememb'ring stolen things. On her pallid cheek and forehead came a color and a light Which forboded for that railway a protracted legal fight.

Per the Lord Chancellor:

"Laches can't be charged to plaintiff, so defendant's not exempt; It must as a carrier answer what was done in Law's contempt.