Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 15.pdf/198

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Bunch v. Great Western Railway Company. "And I doubt not that the porter has levanted far away—• Worser five grim years in Portland than a cycle of Cathay!" Per Lord Watson:

"'Twas within the varlet's duty of this bag to take the care; Plaintiff she must have her action—lest she wither by despair." Per Lord Brannvcll, dissentients:

"While eschewing talk of bailments, plaintiff clearly risked her pain— Nature gives the shallowest notions to a woman 'bout a train." Per Lord Herschetl:

"We must leave it where we found it, found this case so seeming hard, Where in nisi prins battle fell defendant, evil-starr'd. "But the jingling of the guinea helps the hurt the plaintiff feels, And defendant must not murmur—rather watch the man that steals." Per Lord Afacnaghten:

"Men, my brothers—men, the Judges—ever judging things anew, That which they have done but earnest of the things they shall undo! "Berghcim's case was badly reasoned, it no longer shall befool— Cursed be the judge-made law the House of Lords can't overrule." Per majorem partem:

Judgment must be writ for plaintiff.—So th' increasing purpose runs, And the law reports are widened with the process of the suns.