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journals popularly known as by-reports, were perverted sense of humor that some of you permitted to turn upon those who furnish his draw from the dust bins and republish an weekly pabulum he might say, " You editors cient cases some obsolete, others long ago of by-reports, how do you regard your re reversed or affirmed? A merry jest! The porting? As ephemeral merely? Intended to conscientious young practitioner carries home meet the onset of the printer's devil? Or as the advance sheets and with a good cigar eternal? A record of local judicial achieve settles down to post himself upon the very ment intended to inform the mind of the latest law. He starts! Is it a bad dream? leader of the county Bar as to what was said Here is something he never heard of. Hastily and done when he, the said leader, was a turning over the pages he finds that the case is proud office boy and eyed you suspiciously upon the construction of a tax act repealed when you called with that little bill for legal long before he was admitted to the Bar." "But if the joke is good would it not be advertising?" If the editor's answer to the above inter still better if Shelley's case were reprinted or rogatory is " eternal," then the worm might the judgment in re disputed parentage ren add, " Penurious ink-smith! How often to dered by Solomon, C. J.?" These and other things a worm (tinea), save the cost of a stick of type do you cut out the number and term of the case reported, might say did his burrowing afford leisure to depriving us of any clue to the identity thereof. epeak his mind. But tractent fabrila fabre. Would you conceal the fact that Doe v. Roe, Perhaps his occupation, the interpretation of so learnedly decided by Titius, J., is the self the incomprehensible, would prove less ab same Doe v. Roe, ignominiously overruled per. sorbing if the opinions of the court were snatched by the reporter from the hands of cur. in the Supreme Court? "Or if perchance, the language of Titius, J., the tipstaff and elucidated by the editor while is obscure and it becomes important for the still on their way from the typewriter of brief-maker to know the facts of the case, Titius, J., to the town job printing office. LIBEROSUS. nowadays ignored by the reporter, or to look at the pleadings, how can this be done without Testimonials. — The enterprising publishers the number and term? Melius est petere fontes of the GREEN BAG recently sent out some ad does not apply to the prothonotary's records vertising material including a rich collection of without the docket number. When a case is testimonials from subscribers. An unknown clipped from an esteemed contemporary with humorist who received one was good enough out credit, pray give the venue, Surplusagium to suggest the following appropriate additions non nocct. Perhaps the reader unskilled in which seem too good to keep. local politics may not know that Titius is judge in Cappadocia County. Philippines "But by all means, oh frugal consumer of The GREEN BAG and me get along very well blue pencils, let us have the judgment of the together. —• T. S. Agninaldo, Esq. court as well as the opinion. Tell us whether The Moros sit under the trees and enjoy it. the rule is discharged, the injunction granted, They like the pictures." — Leonard Wood, or the citation allowed. We legal artists are U. S. A. Canada not concerned about the oyster; we will take The man who doesn't read the GREEN BAG it for granted that the luscious bivalve was duly disposed of, but we do wish to know will never know what he has missed. about the shell and which poor devil of a liti Porto Rico gant got the larger piece." The Bag part of it is well adapted to our If, however, the editor's answer to the in climate — Dcgclau. terrogatory of the worm is, " My work is purely ephemeral, a little diversion inter Guam jected between the sheriff's advertisements We have a back number here; and now we and the testamentary notices." Then the would permit no other to be used. It works worm might say, "It is then because of a like a charm. — C. Annibal.