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THE LIGHTER SIDE Worcester Ware. — J. R. Kane, Esq., a fraud in this case, an' if they's any perjury well known Worcester attorney, was among this 'ere defendant done it. There surely the visitors to the Pan-American Exposition ain't no fraud, because the suit is on a contract in 1901. At that time persons visiting his for wages, and the plaintiff done the work an office were much amused to find the following he wants his pay." Whereat the justice, card on the door : before the young attorney could come out of "My friends, do not your servant seek, his trance, gave judgment in full for the As he from town will be gone a week, plaintiff. Or more, perhaps, as he does not know Decision Reserved. — A newly elected The liquor law in Buffalo. J. R. Kane." squire in Wisconsin was much elated by his honors, but was not sure that he could carry Hoi Pros.— A good story is told by the Pro bate judge of Chittenden County, Vermont, of them gracefully. So he haunted the court the days when he was a stripling at the bar, and house for weeks that he might gather up had been elected state's attorney of Lamoille crumbs of wisdom from the judicial table County, Vermont. He started a prosecution of the higher station. Finally he sat in against a resident of Belvidere, one of those judgment on his first case, and when the Green Mountain towns 90 per cent of the testimony was all in and the argument made, surface of which is perpendicular, for selling he said: " The Court takes this case under advisement until next Wednesday morning, liquor under the old prohibitory law. Belvi when it will render a verdict in favor of the dere was hardly the community to frown on defendent." — Argonaut. a liquor seller; in fact, he usually stood higher In Practice. — " Oh, Mr. Millyuns!" than the local clergyman in the esteem of the "Wei?" community, and the young state's attorney "Do you think a rich man can go through saw that he was likely to have hard sledding. the eye of a needle?" The respondent called for a jury. The " I don't know, my boy. However, I will attitude of the jury was obvious, and, in fact, the outlook was so unpropitious that the say that my lawyers have dragged me through prosecutor arose and stated that, under the some very small loopholes." — Louisville Cour circumstances of the case, he thought best to ier-Journal. Deceiving the Court. — Two Vermont law ask for a nol. pros. This was a new one on the justice, and he deliberated thereon. After yers were trying a case before a rural justice a moment or two the foreman of the jury, who and one of them, who represented the defend had been fidgeting about in his seat, leaned ant, took occasion to cite a Massachusetts case forward and said to the justice in a stage that was on all fours with his contention. His whisper, " Let him have his d d old nol. opponent nudged the justice and whispered, "Look out! He's trying to ring in a pros.; we'll lick him anyway!" Massachusetts case on you." The justice Frauds. — There is a pettifogger in Addison pounded on his table and asked to see County, Vermont, who was once trying a case the book. It was handed to him. He ex that he had somehow brought, to which the de amined it with all the concentrated wisdom fendant, although a newly admitted member of of ages in his countenance and returned it, the bar, pleaded the statute of frauds. The saying, " Mr. this here court may not young attorney discoursed learnedly on the stat be a lawyer, but it ain't to be imposed upon ute, though his words were so much Greek to that way! That's a Mass'chusetts case. the presiding rustic. At the close of his remarks Judgment for the plaintiff." our hero, whose name was Caleb Rockwood, A Distinction and a Difference. — He was delivered himself as follows: " Looky here, young and thought that he knew much, but Jedge, this 'ere is a statoot of frauds an' he confessed an occasional desire for further perjuries. Now there ain't no charge o' enlightenment. This time it was a legal