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THE GREEN BAG point, and he propounded the question to England. He was just emerging from a drug-store, where he had placed an order, his counsellor: "Mr. Jacques, can a man get a divorce when a stranger came up and addressed him. from his wife because she is not religious? "You sell Brown's Boston Bitters, dont I read the other day that infidelity was a you? " the stranger asked. cause for divorce." — Lippimott's. "Yes; and I'd like to sell you a case — cure you so quick you won't have been sick Domestic. — " What was the cause of this yesterday — fact! " the drummer said. rumpus? " asked the judge. " All right. How much is she? " the "Well, you see, judge,' eplied the police man, " this man here and that woman there stranger asked, pulling out his pocketbook, and handing over the five dollars demanded, are married " — receiving in exchange an order on the local "Yes. yes, I know. But what other freight agent for his case. cause? "—Cleveland Press. "Now, I'd just like to see your license to The Prisoner's Plea — In a rural justice's peddle — I'm the sheriff," the stranger said, court the defendant in a case was sentenced pleasantly. to serve thirty days in jail. He had known "You've got me — twenty-five, isn't it?" the judge from boyhood, and addressed him the drummer asked, offering the money. as follows: "I don't suppose it will be necessary for me "Bill, old boy, you're agwine ter send me to appear?" ter jail, air you?" "No, that will be all right," the sheriff "That's what," replied the judge. " Have replied. Then he looked at the order for you got anything to say ag'in it?" the case of medicine. " What am I going "Only this here, Bill. God help you to do with this stuff? " he asked. when I get out! " — News. "I'll give you a dollar for it," the drummer Home Run Harlan. — Justice Harlan of suggested, and the trade was made. "And do you happen to have a license to the U. S. Supreme Court, aged 74, made a home run and won the game in a baseball peddle? Huh, I thought not. Well, you contest at the annual shad .bake given by have been trading with me — selling goods the Washington bar association at Marshall without a license — guess I'll go file a com plaint against you," the drummer said Hall, Md. When Justice Harlan went to the bat the sweetly. And the next morning the sheriff, score was a tie, and the umpire had called with a sheepish grin, paid a fine of twentytwo strikes and three balls. It was a five dollars. — Harper's Weekly. critical and exciting moment. Justice Harlan Modern Legislation. That the term " auto smashed the sphere a wicked swat to deep mobile " and " motor vehicle " as used in center. He started around the bases, and this act shall be construed to include all his leg work was really marvelous. His types and grades of motor vehicles pro sprinting qualities surprised and delighted pelled by electricity, steam, gasoline, or other the fans, who were wild with enthusiasm. source of energy, commonly known as auto The ball went over the head of the center mobiles, motor vehicles, or horseless carriages, fielder and was lost in the tall grass. Be ore using the public highways and not running on it was recovered Justice Harlan had reached rails or tracks. Nothing in this section shall the home palate, where he stood sipping a be construed as in any way preventing, ob mint julep which had been prepared hurriedly structing, impeding, embarrassing, or in any for the agile Kentuckian as a reward for other manner or form infringing upon the lining out a four-base hit. — Exchange. prerogative of any political chaffeur to run an Stung. — There is a law in Texas which automobilious band-wagon at any rate he sees requires commercial travelers to purchase fit compatible with the safety of the occupants a licence before they may do business, a thereof; provided, however, that not less than law either unknown to or disregarded by a ten and not more than twenty ropes be allowed certain patent-medicine man from New at all times to trail behind this vehicle when in