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The Green Bag

on the regular jury calendar, and should be reached sometime late this fall or early next spring," answered the judge with a twinkle, in his eye. The two litigants looked at the judge and then at each other, in surprised amazement, and then as the judge called out, "Call the next case, Mr. Clerk," they cheaply sulked away.

but smaller box in front of the judge. Another line ran to a similar box in front of the witness; another to a box in front of the reporter, and another to a box in front of the opposing counsel. This lawyer, though practically deaf, was overcoming his handicap by try ing his case over this system of electric megaphones, and seemed as cheerful and happy as if he were testing out Ill some new invention especially designed What would you, as a lawyer, do if by himself for this work. you should have the misfortune of los Another attorney has had the mis ing your hearing? Did you ever think fortune of losing his sight to such an of that? Or what would you do if you extent that he cannot see to read at all, should by accident lose your power of and can barely see enough to go about speech? That might happen to you without a guide. He overcomes his any day. Or what would you do if handicap by employing three young you should happen to lose your sight? men to constantly furnish him with Would you leave the profession and be data and citations, and to read every moan your loss, or would you do as thing to him. He is so cheerful in his these three Chicago men have done? manner, and is so artful in hiding his Think it over. affliction that only his most intimate One of these men was recently try friends are aware of it. ing a case in one of the courts. He The other attorney has lost his power had on his ears what looked like a big of articulation. Yet by means of his loud whisper, which he has developed set of telephone receivers, which con nected by a cord with a big megaphone to a wonderful degree, he still conducts box on the table in front of him. From his trials and is maintaining a lucrative this box ran a trunk line to a similar practice. The Editor will be glad to receive for this department anything likely to entertain the readers of the Green Bag in the 'way of legal antiquities, facetiee, and anecdotes.

USELESS BUT ENTERTAINING James O. Fagan tells of a suit brought against a railroad company by a woman who was injured by falling through a bench in one of its stations. The physician who was testifying on behalf of the railroad decided to show the jury the im possibility of an injury from such a cause, by producing a similar bench owned by the com pany and proceeding to fall through it. At last accounts he was suing the road for $10,000. "Both of these gents," said the witness, "was standin' with their elbows on the bar conversin' with each other pretty hot and pointed."

"Relate the conversation," said the prose cutor. "Oh, I don't remember it, exceptin' that they called each other what they was." — National Corporation Reporter.

"I understand you went over to Crimson Gulch and lynched the wrong man?" "No," replied Three-finger Sam. "You can't lynch the wrong man in Crimson Gulch. We jest got Piute Pete a little bit ahead of his turn." — Washington Star.