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A New Gubernatorial Residence


I fear its doctrines are too strong And they might cause confusion Among the citizens. But this is how we'll do the trick And save the dear old thing; We'll print it on asbestos thick To which the flames may cling And do the document no harm. Then you can ask old Satan Who rules within those regions warm, About the renovation Of this here Constitution.

The Ettor Trial at Salem THE strike at Lawrence, Mass., re It was a time of great excitement, sulting in the trial of Joseph Ettor, and the lower court seems to have made the mistake of holding the two men for a Arthur Giovannitti, and Joseph Ca ruso, I. W. W. leaders, as accessories to crime that precluded their liberation on the murder of a woman during a street bail. That the murder and other crimes riot, began on Jan. 12, 1912, and the of violence would not have occurred but next morning Ettor arrived in the city for their incitement may be true, but and assumed the leadership of the opera the detention of the men on the charge tives. The disturbances became alarm of murder, rather than simply on that ing and the militia was ordered out. of inciting a riot, gave the appearance Dynamite was discovered in three differ of the employment of extraordinary ent places Saturday, Jan. 20, and Wil means to remove them from the scene liam D. Haywood made his first appear of trouble. It has been felt all along ance in Lawrence on Wednesday, Jan. that the state had insufficient evidence 24. Serious rioting, in which street cars on which to hold the men for murder, were attacked, took place Monday morn and their acquittal was expected in ing, Jan. 29. The police and strikers many quarters. When the two men were first held for clashed that same evening on Union street in front of the Everett Mill and trial, their attorney asked for a continu Anna Lopizzo was mortally wounded by ance of ten days and it was granted. A petition of habeas corpus for the a bullet. The next night Ettor and Giovan release of the prisoners on bail was nitti were arrested, charged with being heard and dismissed by Judge Braley accessories to the murder. Both defend in Supreme Court at Boston Feb. 6. ants were arraigned on the morning of The police court hearing opened before Jan. 31 in the Lawrence Police Court Judge J. J. Mahoney, Feb. 9, and on before Associate Justice F. N. Chandler. Feb. 21 the defendants were held for Both pleaded not guilty and were held the grand jury. A true bill against the for trial without bail. defendants was reported by that body