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"What for?" asked Walter. "It is hardly a bit nearer, and we will have two fences to climb instead of one."

"And, beside," put in Helen, "the cattle are in there, and Uncle Jim says that some of them are dangerous, and that we are not to go into that lot at all."

But Mattie stood still, one foot on the lower rail of the fence. "I'm not afraid," she said. "They probably wouldn't notice us at all. I'm going this way, but you two can do as you choose. I'm a Christian Scientist and nothing can hurt me, you know that. Come and help me put my bag over the fence, Walter."

But Walter stood looking at her, doubtfully. "There isn't any reason why you should go that way, Mattie," he said.

"Well, I don't care if there isn't," said Mattie, sharply. "I want to go this way, and I shall. You needn't help me if you don't wish to," and she began trying to hoist the bag of nuts over the fence.

Walter came slowly forward and took hold