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of the bag. "I don't think you are right, Mattie," he said, soberly. "Let's sit down and rest and talk it over for a few minutes."

Mattie let go of the bag and seated herself on the grass rather sullenly.

"Now," said Walter, "what is it that wants you to go across that field? Is it Truth or error?"

"Why," said Mattie, stoutly, "it's Truth, of course. I want to prove to you that Christian Scientists are not afraid."

"No," said Walter, thoughtfully, "I think it's error. You want to prove that you are not afraid, not that God will take care of you, for we know that already. Now, isn't that so? I think we have to use common sense in Science, and not go into danger just to show off. You know that Jesus wouldn't throw himself down from the high place, but said 'thou shalt not tempt.'"

"But suppose we had to go across the field," said Mattie, stubbornly.

"That would be very different," said Walter. "If we had to do it, and there wasn't any