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"My size is number nine and a half," said Charley in a very matter-of-fact tone, though his cheeks were flushed and his eyes shining.

Uncle Fred laughed. "That may be the size of your foot, all right, but what is the size of your arithmetic mark?" he asked.

"Ninety-five per cent," said Charley, proudly, sitting up very straight.

"Whew," whistled Uncle Fred, thoroughly astonished. "Is that so? Well, how on earth did you do it?"

Charley glanced at his mother and then back at Uncle Fred. "Christian Science did it," he said, sturdily. "You advised me to try it, just to tease me, and I did, and I always will use it after this."

Uncle Fred cleared his throat and looked at Charley over his glasses. Then he held out his hand.

"Shake, young man," he said. "I don't know just what there is in Christian Science, but you've done a good thing with it, and I'm proud of you. We will go after the skates