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to-morrow, and you shall have any pair that you want, in the whole shop, no matter what they cost. You have surely earned them."

That night, when Mamma came to say good night, she kissed the boy even more tenderly than usual.

"And so you handled your trouble all yourself, did you, dearie?" she asked, smoothing back his hair, lovingly.

"Yes'm," said Charley, slipping an arm around her neck, "with what you told me that day about understanding, and about reflecting God. When I couldn't seem to understand my lessons, I knew that it was just mortal mind telling me lies, so I told it to get out, that I didn't believe it, because I reflected perfect Understanding; and then I just held on to that thought, and, why, Mamma, things got so easy, and I didn't worry a bit any more, and I didn't dread examination at all; because I knew I couldn't help but get good marks because I really did understand things and didn't get all mixed up any more."

Mamma hugged him a little closer. "And