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Bentley's Book of Matches, 130, 133, 187.

Berkshire eleven, 1793, 147.

Bessborough, Lord, see Ponsonby, Hon. Frederick.

Bligh, Hon. Edward, xxvii.

Blockhole, in old cricket, 150.

Bolland, William, xviii.

Booker, 60.

Bowling, Nyren's instructions as to, 13, 17-19, 20; his strictures on round-arm bowling, x, xi, 4, 39-41, 70; round-arm, a necessity, xv; Beldham on changes in style of, 134-5, 137; the old and the new, 145, 156-7, 183-4; Pycroft on the old style, 149, 151-3, 155; bias, or twist, 151; swiftness of the old, 151, 157; Clarke's advice as to, 158-63, 172-3; Lord Bessborough on under-hand and round-arm, 183-4; high under-hand, 194, 196.

Bowra, William, 188-9.

Box, Tom, 157, 180.

Boxall, 128.

Brett, Thomas, 44, 45, 47, 48, 121, 151, 186, 189.

Broadbridge, J., his round-arm bowling, 183.

Broad Halfpenny, 6, 98; high feasting on, 57-8, 98-9; described by Mitford, 121-3; deserted, 142, 144.

Bromley, Middlesex, Nyren's last home at, 102, 120.

Browne of Brighton, 136, 156-7, 184.

Budd, Edward Hayward, xxiv, xxv, 156, 196, 207; described by Nyren 76, Mitford 132, Beldham 140, Pycroft 140, 220, 222-3, 225, 227, Lord Bessborough 184, Haygarth 220-1, Wheeler 222, 225, 234, Lord F. Beauclerk 222-3, Beldham 222-3, and Clarke 235; his fielding, 140, 235; his bowling, 178, 222-3, 225; his matches and scores, 220-1, 227, 238; weight of his bat, 221, 225, 233; his tremendous hits, 221, 223, 237; as innovator, 222; compared with Lord F. Beauclerk, 222-3; his position at the wicket, 224; his manner of batting displayed at eighty, 225; his impetuosity, 225; his memories of Osbaldeston, 227, 229; and of Mr. Ward, 234; later years at cricket, 237; his shame in 1851, 237; his old age and tastes, 238; as a gardener, 239; death 241.

Burrell, Sir Peter, 154.

Caffyn, W., his Seventy, Not Out, xviii.

Caldecourt, 150, 222.

Captains, hints to, 91.

Chad, Old, 184.

Clarke, Charles Cowden, xi, xii, xiii, 98, 106; his 'Introduction' to Nyren's Young Cricketer's Tutor, 5; his part in Nyren's book, 115-16, 133.

Clarke, William, xvii, xviii; his 'Letters on Cricket', 158-74; his career, 175-6.

Clement, little Tom, ix.

Cochrane, Mr. Alfred, xxv; his ballad, 'England, Past and Present,' 243.

Cooper, Mr. Ashley-, xii.

Cotton, Rev. Mr., his cricket song, 17-18, 50, 122.

Cricket, beginning of the game, 9; number of players, 9; choice of ground, 9; umpires, 10, 171-2; pitching the wickets, 10, 172; arrangement of fieldsmen, 11; laws of the