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game (1830), 11-16; instructions to players, 17-38; single-wicket, 38-9; improvements and progress, 66, 77, 84-92, 120, 121, 149-57; stopping or blocking first adopted, 87; records burnt, 101; new law for leg-before-wicket, 137; match-making, 170-1.

Cricketers, essentials of, 5, 38; left-handed, 62, 63, 70, 105, 128 n; 155, 193, 201, 211, 214; dress, 123 n, 136; longevity of, 188.

Cricket Field, The, quoted, 176, 177, 204, 220, 222-4, 227.

Cricket Notes, by William Holland, xvii.

Cricket-song, by Rev. Reynell

Cotton, 17-18, 50, 122.

Daft's Kings of Cricket, xxv, 179.

Danvers, Butler, trick played on, 131.

Dark, J. H., acquires Lord's, 233.

Darnley, Earl of, 144.

Dehaney, 60, 133.

Dorset, John Frederick, third

Duke of, 45, 61, 63, 121, 139, 189; his present to Small, 46-7.

Dorset Square, the old Marylebone ground, 143, 223.

Emmett, Tom, 120.

Farnham, and famous cricketers, 125, 135, 216.

Felix (Nicholas Wanostrocht), 182.

Fennex, William, xiii, xiv, xvii, 127, 152, 153; described by Mitford 127, 129-31, Beldham 141, Pycroft 155-6, and Haygarth 191-2; his sad end, 153.

Fielding, Nyren's instructions as to, 32-8, Clarke's advice on, 163-6; more important formerly, 154-5.

Ffinch, Mr., his 'Fine Old English Cricketers', 239.

Frame, John, 57, 151, 192.

France and early cricket, 190.

Francis, Richard, 65, 193.

Freemantle, Andrew, 79-81, 128, 154-5, 193.

Freemantle, John, 79-80, 193-4.

Gale, Frederick, xx.

Gentlemen and Players, The, 148.

Gentleman's Magazine, quoted, 190, 200, 201, 202.

'George' Inn, Hambledon, 98-9.

Grace, Dr. W. G., 181, 183, 220.

Graces, The, their maternal advantages, ix.

Grimston, Hon. R., xx, 181.

Hall, Harry, 72, 73, 134, 187.

Hambledon, birthplace of Nyren, 43; old cricketers buried at, 185, 198, 210, 212; inscription on church door, 211.

Hambledon Club, ix, 6, 17, 37, 44-5, 47, 87-9, 203-4, 207, 213-7; its great players, 44-83, 121-7, 141-2, 205-10; its caravan, 49, 136; its grand matches, 58-60, 63-4, 100-2; the beginning of, 100, 136; match at Southsea, 106; old players beaten by the new, 128; at its zenith, 135; its break-up,