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101, 141-3; forbids round-arm bowling, 151; law-givers of cricket, 193; its dinners, 198.

Hammond (of Sussex), 27, 31, 32, 154, 155, 232, 236.

Hampshire barns, and cricket, 154.

Hampshire Chronicle, The, 98, 217.

Hampshire men, at a grand match, 57-8,

Harris, David, xxvi, 137; 138, 184, 214; described as a bowler by Nyren xiv, 20, 74-9, 90, Mitford 125-6, 127, 128 n, Beldham 139, 141, 151, Pycroft 151, 153, 154, Walker 152, Fennex 152, Sparkes 152, Bennett 154, Haygarth 194, and Lord F. Beauclerk 195; his armchair on the field, 126; his practising, 154.

Haygarth, Mr. Arthur, xx-xxiv; his memoirs of old cricketers, 98-9, 109, 175-6, 185-219, 220-1, 230, 232.

Heward, Peter, of Leicester, on the old bowling, 145.

Hogsflesh, William, 44-5, 195-6.

Homerton Club, 102, 105.

Hunt, Leigh, 98, 106; His London Journal and Nyren, 117-19.

I Zingari, xvii, xix.

Kent, its cricket in early times, 136; its matches, 137-8, 142-3, 146-8.

Lamb, Charles, 98, 106, 107.

Lambert, William, 156; his advice on bowling, 19; described by Nyren 25, 27, Mitford 132, Fennex 153, Clarke 178, 181, Lord Bessborough 181, Haygarth 196-7, Budd 222, 224, Beldham 224, and Pycroft 224; his great feat against Beauclerk and Beldham, 228.

Lamborn, 'the Little Farmer,' 53-4, 197-8.

Lang, Mr. Andrew, his 'Ballade of Dead Cricketers', v; his praise of the game, xxv.

Lear, George, 48, 49, 62, 122, 198.

Leg-before-wicket, 204, 212.

Lennox, Hon. Col. Charles, xxvi, xxvii, 147, 154.

Lillywhite, Fred, his bowling, 154, 183; his printing-press and cards, 150; his Cricket Scores and Biographies, xxi, xxiv, 101-5, 175-6, 185, 220-1, 230, 232.

London, and cricket, Pycroft on, 148.

Lord, Thomas, xxvi, 143, 233.

Lord's Ground, opened, xxvi; matches at, 80, 103-5, 141-2, 156, 231; disastrous fire at, 101, 133; collection of bats at, 205, 215; Lord F. Beauclerk's attendance at, 231; Mr. Ward's purchase of, 233-4.

'Lumpy' (Edward Stevens), described by Nyren 20, 55-6, 78-9, Mitford 122, 126-7, and Haygarth 198-200; on early cricket, 140.

Maiden overs, 149.

Mann, Sir Horace, described by Nyren 37, 45, 64, 67-8,

Mitford 123-4, Beldham 137-8, Pycroft 144, and Haygarth 186, 200-3.