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Parr, George, 179, 180.

Paulet, Squire, 60, 133, 135, 144; founds Hambledon Club, 136.

Pilch, Fuller, xx n, 132 n, 153, 181, 224.

Ponsonby, Hon. Frederick (Lord Bessborough), xvii, xix, xx; Clarke's letter dedicated to, 158; his reminiscences of cricket, 181-4.

Professionals, their advantages over amateurs, 148.

Purchase, Richard, 65, 203-4.

Pycroft, Rev. James, memoir of, xvi, xvii; on the Hambledon Club and the old players, 133-57; on old Clarke, 177-8; his contributions to The Cricket Field, 177, 220, 223, 227; his Oxford Memories, 178, 225.

Quarterly Review on Old Clarke, 177.

Quiddington, as long-stop, 60.

Ray, his fine fielding, 154.

Richmond, Duchess of, her support of Fennex, 130.

Richmond, Duke of, 115.

Ring, George, 200, 204, 219.

Ring, John, 137-8, 204-5.

Robinson, Robert, 83, 130, 141, 191, 205-6.

Running a notch, contrasted with modern methods, 150-1.

Russell, Lord Charles, xx.

Sackville, Lord John, 85.

St. John's Wood Club, and the Homerton Club, 102.

St. Mary's, Moorfields, and Nyren's 'Ave Verum', 114.

Sawdust, early use of, 206. n.

Scores, imperfect keeping of, 215.

Scott, Thomas, 206.

Shepherd, George, his sketches, xxvi.

Single-wicket, Nyren on, 38-9; matches, 101, 227, 228.

Slindon, Sussex, 100.

Small, John ('Old Small'), described by Nyren 24, 46-7, 86-7, Mitford 121, Pycroft 138-9, and Haygarth 207-9; one of the founders of the Hambledon Club, 100-1.

Small, John, junior, described by Nyren 81-3, and Haygarth 209.

Smith, T. Assheton, his matches, 102, 144.

Smuggling and cricketing, 192, 199.

South Kensington Museum, its memento of John Nyren, 120.

Sparkes, 152, 154, 155.

Sporting Magazine, The, 191-2, 213.

Sportascrapiana, 225, 228, 234, 238.

Steel, A. G., 183.

Stevens, Edward, see 'Lumpy', 20.

Stewart, Peter (' Buck '), described by Nyren 49-50, Mitford 122, and Haygarth 210.

Stopping, Nyren's recommendation of, 22-3.

Strutt's Sports and Pastimes, 42.

'Stumping out,' in the early scores, 218.

Stumps, the, 11, 84, 134, 149; change in number, 66, 87-8, 134, 151-2; Beldham on the size of, 188; a fourth introduced, 217.

Sueter, Tom, described by