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Nyren 27-8, 31-2, 47-9, 60-1, Mitford 121, 128, Beldham 138-9, and Haygarth 211, 218.

Surrey, and the Hambledon heroes, 142.

Tankerville, Earl of, 61, 122, 199, 212, 218.

Taylor, C., 135.

Taylor, Tom, xvii; described by Nyren 54-5, 68, Beldham 137, 140, and Haygarth 186, 204, 212-3.

Thackeray and Bolland, xvii.

Tinley, R. C., 178.

Tufton, Hon. H., xxvi, 141, 147-8, 155.

Tufton, Hon. J., xxvii, 147-8.

Turner, Mrs. Mary, extract from letter of, x.

Umpires, duties of, 10, 16, 137, 171-2.

Veck, Richard Aubery, 213.

'Vine, The', Sevenoaks, 101, 189.

Walker, Harry, described by Nyren 40, 68-70, Mitford 128 n, Beldham 139, 141, and Haygarth, 214.

Walker, John, 214.

Walker, Tom, described by Nyren 40, 68-70, Mitford 124, 127, 128-9, Beldham 139, 141, and Haygarth 214-15; introduces new style of bowling, 70, 90, 135, 137, 151.

Walker, Mr. V., 178.

Ward, William, Nyren's book dedicated to, 3; described by Nyren 3-4, 24 n, Mitford 132, and Haygarth 232-4; his old cricket MS., 85, 134, 149; and Lord F. Beauclerk, 105, 177; his offer for Old Small's balls, 207; his bowling feat, 221; opposes the new bowling, 222; admits necessity of round-arm bowling, xv; buys the lease of Lord's Ground, 233-4 his bets on Mr. Budd, 234 his wise generosity, 234 unknown to the younger generation, 235; on the order of going in, 236.

Warsop, B., of Nottingham, 178, 184.

'Waterloo' Inn, Barn Green, and its portrait of 'Lumpy', 200.

Watts, Dr., 49, 107.

Wells, George, 216.

Wells, James, 215, 216,

Wells, John, described by Nyren 70-2, Beldham 136, 140-1, and Haygarth 187, 215-16.

Wenman, 154, 157.

Wheeler, Mr., on Mr. Budd, 222; his Sportascrapiana, quoted, 224-5, 228, 234, 238.

White, Gilbert, of Selborne, ix.

White, of Ryegate, 87.

White, Thomas ('Shock'), described by Nyren 57, and Haygarth 217.

Whitehead, Mr., of Kent, 147, 154.

Wicket, pitching the, 10, 12, 19, 137, 172; changes in size of, 66, 87-8, 134, 151-2, 188, 217.

Wicket-keeper, the, 12; Nyren's advice to, 28-32; Sueter the first, 128; wicket-keepers as batsmen, 211.

Willes, John, described by