Page:The Heart of Jainism (IA heartofjainism00stevuoft).djvu/358

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Rāsabhī, 75.

Rasatyāga, 164.

Rasendriya, 96.

Rathavīrapura, 79 ff.

Rati Arati, 130.

Ratna Prabhā, 27 1.

Ratnapurī, 55.

Ratna Traya, see Jewels, the three.

Rātribhojana tyāga, 238.

Raudradhyāna, 168.

Rāvana, 277.

Rāyapasenī, 13.

Rāyasī padīkamanum, 228.

Rebirth, 36, 31, 94, 294.

Reflections, see Bhāvanā.

Reformation in Europe, 87.

Reincarnation, I, 294.

Religion, true and false, 247.

Re-ordination, 155.

Repentance, 155.

Results of sin, the eighty-two, 132 ff.

Revatī, 67, 277.

Reverence, 166, 178.

Rhinoceros, 54.

Right Conduct,seeConduct,Right.

Right Faith, see Faith, Right.

Right Knowledge, see Knowledge, Right.

Rijukula, 39 n.

Rijupālikā river, 39.

Rijuvālikā, 39 n.

Risabhadatta, 26, 56 n.

Risabhadeva, 22 n., 45, 51, III, 152, 158, 170, 2i6n., 274, 312.

Risabhanārāca sanghena, 137.

Roga parīsaha, 150.

Rohagupta, 78.

Rohinī, 26 n., 277.

Rosary, 243, 254, 279.

Rudra, 33, 268,

Rules of conduct, the five, see Caritra.

Rules for daily life, six, 188.

Rupī Ajīva, 106, 108 ff.

Sabala, 268.

Sabhā mandapa, 281.

Sacittaparihāra pratimā, 222.

Sacred thread, 81 n.

Sacrifice, law of, 295 ff.

Sādhārana, 99, 138.

Sadhu, 45, 51 ff., 65, 98, 100, 105, 112, 131, 145 ff., 187 ff.; see also Ascetics.

Sadhvl, see Nuns.

Sadi sarhsthana, 137.

Sagai, 195.

Sagara (of time), 51 ff.

Sagaropama, 102, 272, 272 n.

Sahasara, 270.

Saint-wheel worship, 262.

Saitavarnana Stuti, 253.

Saiva temples, 75.

Sajhaya Stavana, 258.

Sakadala, 71, HI.

Sala tree, 39.

Sales!, 102 ff.

Salutation, 204 n.; see also Five,

Salutation to the. ^alya, 246, 257.

Sama, 187.

Sama, 268.

Samacaturastra santhana, 1 14.

Samadhi, 221, 222.

Samadhista, 221.

Samaga, 39.

Samaka or Samaka, 39 n.

Samakiti, 271.

Samantabhadrasuri, 80 n.

SamantopanipatikI asrava, 142.

SamatabhavinT, 147.

Samavasarana, 191.

Samavayanga Sutra, 1 3. ^amavega, 187.

Samaya, 98 n., 272 n.

Samayika, 2l5ff., 228, 255.

Samayika caritra, 155.

Samayika pratima, 222.

Sambhavanatha, 51, 312.

Sambhutivijaya, 70.

Samedsikhara, see Sameta Si- khara.

Sameta Sikhara, 49, 56 ff.

Samiti, the five, 144 ff., 234 ff., 241.

Sarhjni pancendriya, loi, 106.

Samlinata, 165.

Samparyanka posture, 43.

Samprati, 73 ff.

Samsara, 241.

Sarhsara bhavana, 158.

Sarrisarl, 96.

Saiiiskrit, see Sanskrit.

Sariisthana, the five, 1 37.

Samudayikl, 143.