Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/67

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

hemian Brothers was attributed to them, and ſo much of this.


The firſt perſecution of the ſayd Brothers.

1. THe beginning of this new Church diſpleaſed the Divell, he therefore raiſed a ſudden and a violent Tempeſt to overwhelme it, for the ſame thereof being ſpread abroad, the Prieſts in every Pulpit did ſtirre up the hatred of the people againſt them, crying out, Blow out their ſparkes, blow them out before they grow into a flame. Rokizane him ſelf (who would belive it) did put on again the mind of an Enemy, and did accuſe them of wicked raſhneſſe, for there were not wanting who informed the King and Conſiſtory, againſt them in divers accuſations.

2. It came to paſse therefore, in the year, 1461. when Father Gregory with ſome others did come to Prague, to give a viſite to his friends that they were betrayed, and taken in a houſe to which they came to ſupper. At which time this was obſerveable, The Officers ſtood on the threſhold, and ſpeaking to them in the ſcripture phraſe, ſaid, all who will live godly in Jeſus Chriſt muſt ſuffer perſecution. You therefore that are here, come forth and follow me to Priſon. He was himſelf an honeſt man, and

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