Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/72

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The Hiſtory of

Paſtors of ſoules, where they ſhould find new, after thoſe were dead, who then lived with them. To expect that ſome of the Ordination of Rome, ſhould come unto them for the love of the Truth, was an uncertain hope. And they remembred that Rokizane did often proteſt, that all things were to be reſtored from the foundation again. Therefore that there was an Ordination at Rome to be erected, by that authority, which Chriſt gave unto the Church, that while they had yet amongſt them ordained men, they might ordaine others, who againe ſhould have power to ordain others to ſucceed them. To this, as their deſires ſo their judgements did incline, but a fear invaded them, whether this Ordination were lawfull or no, becauſe not a Biſhop, but a Presbiter here did create a Presbiter, and how if any controverſie ſhould be they ſhould defend ſuch an Ordinarion either among others, or themſelves.

3. At length after certain yeares moſt ſerious deliberations, the moſt eminent of them in all Bohemia and Moravia, about ſeventy in number, convened at a village not farre from Rich-nove, and many teares and prayers being poured forth to God, that he would vouchſafe to manifeſt, if their purpoſſe were acceptable to him, and whether this were the time of it, they appointed to try by lots the pleaſure of the Almighty. They therefore by the ſuffrages choſe from the middeſt of them nine men, whom above
