Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/73

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

others they thought moſt fit for the taking of the Miniſtery, and twelve little Papers cloſely folded up, being put into the hand of a little boy, ſent for on purpoſe, and not knowing what was to be done, he was commanded to diſtribute thoſe twelve lots unto the nine men. Nine of theſe lots were blankes, on the other three were inſcribed the word I S, to wit the Will of God, which they deſired might be revealed to them. It might therefore come to paſſe that theſe nine men every one might have a blank, which would be a token to them that God was not at that preſent pleaſed at what they went about. But ſo it was, that the three lots were given into the hands of three of them, Matthew Kunwald, a moſt Godly man, Thomas Przelauce, a learned man, and Elias Krzenove a man indued with ſingular abilities of underſtanding.

4. Theſe being with great joy embraced, as men ſent from Heaven unto them: they took new counſels for the Confirmation, and the Ordination of them. And having underſtood, that there were ſome of the Waldenſes in the confines of Moravia, and of Auſtria, that they might provide for the preſent, and for the time to come, for the ſcruples of theirs and other mens conſciences; they ſent unto them Michael Zamberge their Paſtor, (who received his Ordination from a Romane Biſhop) with two others, who ſhould relate what had beene done, and deſire their
