Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/94

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The Hiſtory of

but there was a mutuall exhortation, and confederacy that they ſhould proſecute it with an armed power. But God having laide Albertus and ſome others on their backs, who were contrivers of this cruelty, he almoſt brought altogether to nothing theſe endeavors of their cruelty, of which more hereafter.

6. In theſe troubles the Miniſters of the unity of the brothers were almoſt al turned out of their places, neither did they dare to preach or pray but in privat. The moſt chief of them were by name cited into the Chancery of the Kingdom, but were forbidden by their Patrons to appear, neither did the publiſhed edict do any more hurt, but only took hold on ſome of the pooreſt of the people, & brought them to be puniſhed.

7. For the Baron of Schwanberge having apprehended ſixe of the bearers of the brothers, at a Village called Augedz, not far from Tuſt, he brought them to Bora where he commanded them to be burned, their names were.

Matthias Procopius, by his trade a cobler.
Iohn Simonowitz, a Weaver.
Bartholomew Hranowitz: a Letherdreſſer.
Iohn Herbek, a Potter.
Iohn Nadribke. two brother Germans both bred up to the Plough.
Nicolas Nadribk.

7. Being