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The Bohemian Perſecution.

7. Being examined by a Papiſt parſon, whether they would obey them as the Paſtor of their ſoules, they anſwered they had Chriſt for their Paſtor. And being brought forth to puniſhment, they did go cheerfully to it. And when the chief Officer taking an affection to Nicolas above the reſt did offer his life, if he would recant his errour, and would give him a whole yeares ſpace to conſider of it. He ſtood ſtill a little as if he would conſider of it, and by and by he made anſwer. It is too much by too long a deliberation, that I ſhould loſe my brothers, and went along with them to the fire.


Some examples of Gods Iudgement on the enemies.

I. IN this place it is conceived requiſite to give an account of ſome examples of Gods judgement, ſhewed at this time and a little before upon the bloody endeavours of ſome cruell enemies, Albert Kolawrat Chancellor of the Kingdom returned from the Parliament above mentioned, and in his way gave a viſite to the Baron of Coldice, and with great pleaſure reported to him what there they had al agreed upon, Coldice asked his ſervant Simon, that ſtood by him, a man addicted to the diſcipline of the brothers, how he liked it. He made anſwer that they had not all agreed
