Page:The Hussite wars, by the Count Lützow.djvu/400

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portance of deposition of Korybut in, 202; peace negotiations between Hussites and Sigismund in, 226–234; spread of Hussite doctrines throughout Europe, 245–246, 281; compact with Council of Basel ending, 311; final victory over Táborites at Lipany in, 333–336

Hvězda, John, of Vicemilic, elected leader of Prague by John of Zělivo, 121; chosen as mediator in disputes at Prague, 124; loses position as captain of Prague, 125; subdued by Korybut, 138; becomes first commander of Táborites, 182; killed by an arrow-shot, 183
Hynek, Lord, of Kolštýn, offers Bohemian crown to Ladislas of Poland, 79–82; plans liberation of Korybut, 216–217
Hynek, Lord, of Poděbrad, joins Žižka, 167
Jacob Ulk, inveighs against representatives of Council of Basel, 305; his influence on Praguers, 328
Jacobellus of Střibro, his influence on citizens of Prague, 61; represents university at Hussite conference, 77; opposes John of Zělivo, 124; directs ecclesiastical matters in Prague, 124; condemns rioting of Zělivo, 125; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150
Jakoubec of Bilina, Lord, fails in attempt to save life of Lord Wolkenstein, 193
Jerome Šrol, incites citizens of Prague against Korybut, 200
Jihlava (Iglau), meeting of delegates of Bohemia and Council of Basel at, 359–361
John of Cernin, envoy to Brno, 352
John of Chvojnov, 117
John of Hardegg, Count of Retz, his brave defence of Retz, 184
John, Bishop of Litomyšle, his estates seized by Utraquist nobles, 5; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227
John Malovec of Pacov, disperses Táborites, 324; at Lipany, 333
John of Maulbronn, delegate to Council of Basel, 280, 282; negotiates between Sigismund and Prokop, 283–284; attends assembly at Basel, 293; accompanies envoys from Basel, 303
John Naź, Bishop of Coire, addresses Council of Basel, 339
John Nider, delegate of Council of Basel, 280, 282
John, Bishop of Olomouc (Olmütz), leader of Moravian Catholics, 154
John of Opočno, 165, 166; defeated by Žižka, 166
John of Palomar, Archdeacon of Barcelona, welcomes Bohemians at Basel, 291; speaks on fourth article of Prague, 297; accompanies envoys from Basel, 303; at diet of Prague, 306, 307; at Council of Basel, 310, 312, 313; addresses assembly at Prague, 316; negotiates against Táborites, 325; opposes Lupač at Basel, 339; offends Rokycan at Regensburg, 344–345; principal orator at Regensburg, 345; and at Brno, 353
John Pardus, leads Táborites against Plzeň, 318; pillages Bavaria, 321–322; imprisoned by his troops, 322
John Potštýn, Lord of Zampach, 157
John of Přibram, defends Utraquism at Prague, 57, 61; appointed religious arbitrator at assembly of Časlav, 95–96; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; censured by Nicholas of Pelhřimov, 180; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 202; attacks Wycliffe’s views, 236 and n.; in discussions at Prague, 316
John of Reinstein (“Kardinal”), accompanies embassy to Ladislas of Poland, 81; directs ecclesiastical matters at Prague, 124; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150
John of Rokycan, afterwards Utraquist Archbishop of Prague, attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; appeals to Žižka on behalf of Prague, 172; denounces ritualists, 199; incites citizens of Prague against Korybut, 200; attacks Táborite doctrines at Prague, 258; speaks in favour of peace, 275, 277, 282; elected administrator of Utraquist Church, 278; envoy to Cheb, 281; to Council of Basel,