286; his speeches in Basel, 292, 295, 296, 298–299, 303; defends first article of Prague, 293–294; addresses diet at Prague, 305–307; 309, 316; his power over Bohemians, 338; reads his articles at diet of Prague, 343–344; opposes Palomar at Regensburg, 344–345; upholds doctrines before Sigismund, 345–346; concludes truce with Táborites, 348, 349; envoy to Brno, 352; addresses assembly at Brno, 353; given archbishopric of Prague, 355, 359; at Jihlava, 361; receives Sigismund as king in Prague, 362
John Rohac of Duba, Lord, 75, 157; joins Žižka’s army, 168; fights for Táborites at Lipany, 334
John Rozvoda of Stakov, betrays Korybut’s supposed plot against Utraquists, 199–200; receives high offices in Prague, 201–202
John Sadlo of Kostelec, rebukes John of Zělivo, 120; unjustly accused by Táborites and beheaded, 122
John Tovačovský, commands Praguers in Moravia, 219
John Velvar, delegate of Council of Basel, 286; his protest to Sigismund, 357; acts as spokesman at Jihlava, 361, 362
John Žatecký, negotiates for safe conduct of Bohemian embassy to Basel, 288–289
John of Zělivo (Seclau), denounces Sigismund in sermon at Prague, 9; leads attack on the town-hall, 10; is struck by stone, 10; policy of, 12; leads citizens of Prague in crusade against Roman Church, 43; addresses inhabitants of Kutna Hora, 90–91; leads attack on churches on the Hradčany, 91; appointed religious arbitrator at assembly of Časlav, 94–95; his influence on inhabitants of Prague, 118–119, 120; rebuked by Sadlo, 120; elects John Hvězda of Vicemilic captain of Prague, 121; compasses death of Sadlo, 122; condemned by Jacobellus of Střibro, 125; treacherously murdered at town-hall, 126–127; riots following death of, 127–129
Kalteisen, Henry, addresses Council of Basel on third article of Prague, 297
Karlštýn castle, withstands siege of Prince Korybut, 135–138
Kolda of Žampach, 27; fights for Táborites at Lipany, 334
Kolin, meeting of Bohemian parties at, 164–166; 332–333
Konopišt, Hussite disputation at, 149–154
Korybutovič, Prince Sigismund, 88; sends indignant letter to Duke of
Troppau, 96–97; appointed representative of Prince Vitold in Bohemia, 130; accepts articles of Prague, 131; received as regent in Bohemia, 131, 135; his relations with Žižka, 132–134; fails to capture Karlštýn castle, 135–138; subdues Táborite revolt, 138; recalled to Poland, 141–142; sincerity of his attitude towards Utraquism, 146–147; returns to Bohemia, 170; assumes command of army on death of Žižka, 177; his successful campaign in Austria, 184; his pacific influence on Prague, 187–188; defeats Germans at Ústi, 190–195; accused of treachery to Bohemians, 197–202; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 200; results of his deposition, 202; liberated and escorted from Bohemia, 216–217; returns to Bohemia, 234–235; upholds Hussites in Cracow, 253–255; aids Bohemians against Germans, 267; mediates between Ladislas and Bohemians, 287
Kostka, Wm., Lord of Postupic, attends embassy to Sigismund, 253; chief speaker at Cheb, 262; delegate of Council at Basel, 286; negotiates with Poland, 287; at Basel, 302; forms confederacy against Táborites 325; at Kačin hill, 328; envoy to Brno, 352
Kouřim, Bohemian conference held at, 178–179
Králové Hradec (Königgrätz), occupied by Sigismund, 41; recaptured by Hussites, 48; sends envoy to persuade Sigismund to accept articles of Prague, 62–63; Bořek of Miletinek defeated by Žižka at, 155–156