Page:The Hussite wars, by the Count Lützow.djvu/403

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49; assists at attack on Vyšehrad, 63; refuses to attend Hussite conference at Prague, 74; protests against introduction of foreigner to Bohemian throne, 78; dies as result of accident, 81
Nicholas Krchlebec, Burgrave of Zvikov, at Lipany, 333, 334–335
Nicholas of Padařov, represents Táborites at diet of Prague, 341
Nicholas, Bishop of Pelhřimov, acts as Táborite spokesman at Hussite conference at Prague, 75–77; pacific views of, 115; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; censures John of Přibram, 180; upholds views of Wycliffe, 236; envoy to Cheb, 281; delegate of Council of Basel, 286; defends second article of Prague, 294; again addresses Council, 299; at diet of Prague, 306
Nürnberg, assembly of Germans at, to suppress heresy in Bohemia, 97; imperial diet at, 262–263.
Ober-Glogau, captured by Bohemian invaders, 220–221
Orebites, their outrages against adherents of Roman Church, 43; aid Praguers against Sigismund, 43; attack the Vyšehrad on behalf of Praguers, 63
Orphans, Táborite party formed after death of Žižka, 177–178, 182; at theological conference of Prague, 257–261; quarrel with Prokop, 276–277; fight for Ladislas, 314–315; anarchical conduct of, 324; confederacy formed against, 325; decisive victory over, at Lipany, 333–336
Orsini, Cardinal Giordano, becomes papal legate in Germany, 188; plans new crusade against Bohemia, 188–189
Otho, Duke of Brunswick, 208
Otho of Trier, Archbishop, commands German forces against Bohemia, 206; suggests conference, 208
Peter, Bishop of Augsburg, 302
Peter Konopišt, Lord of Sternberg, attacks Žižka, 21–22; routed at Pořič by Žižka, 46
Peter Mladenovic, 75, 198, 199; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 202
Peter Payne (surnamed Engliš), directs ecclesiastical matters in Prague, 124; attends disputation at Konopišt, 150; and at Žebrak, 218; at peace conference of Pressburg, 227; upholds views of Wycliffe, 236; envoy to Ladislas, 253; envoy to Cheb, 281; delegate of Council at Basel, 286; defends fourth article of Prague, 295; at diet of Prague, 306; acts as mediator in Prague, 348, 349
Peter Zmrzlik of Svojšin, originates plan for reconciliation of Hussite parties, 74
Philibert, Bishop of Coutance, 302; represents Council of Basel at Prague, 304–307, 309, 313, 316; delegate to Regensburg, 344; at reconciliation in Jihlava, 361
Philipp, Táborite preacher, expels priests from Utraquist churches in Prague, 119
Pipa of Ozora, routed by Žižka at Pořič, 46; institutes massacres in Moravia, 102; advises retreat from Kutna Hora, 108; defeated by Žižka, 109
Pius II, Pope, 311
Plzeň (Pilsen), advanced on by Táborites, 19; surrendered to Sigismund by Žižka, 21; capitulates to Žižka, 84–85; attacked by Žižka, 167; besieged by Táborites, 318
Poland, its sympathy with Hussite movement, 2; hostile attitude towards Sigismund, 39; its temporary friendship with Bohemia, 286–288, 314
Prague, demonstration by inhabitants on death of Hus, 3; riots in, 9–10; renewal of riots on death of Venceslas, 13; Carthusian monastery destroyed in, 14; Táborites advance upon, 16–17; captured by Žižka, 17; concludes armistice with Sophia, 19; sends envoys to Sigismund at Brno, 35–36; publishes manifesto against Germans, 42–43; its envoys received with hostility by Sigismund, 44; citizens begin fortifications, 44–45; appeals to Táborites for help, 45;