its dissensions with Táborites, 49, 60–61; repulse of enemy at, 49–55; offers Bohemian crown to Ladislas of Poland, 60; its citizens victoriously besiege fortress of Vyšehrad, 61–70; triumphal entry of Žižka into, 103; internal religious troubles in 1421 and 1422, 112–129; recognises Korybut as regent, 131, 135; Žižka’s letter to citizens of, 133–134; citizens of, depose and imprison Korybut, 199–201; divides on recognition of Sigismund as king, 235; Hussite theological controversy at, 236–237, 257–261; diets at, 275–278, 279–280, 304–307, 316, 341, 349; captured by Bohemian league, 328–329; receives Sigismund as king, 362
Prague, Articles of, meeting of Utraquists and Romanists for discussion of, 55–57; accepted by Archbishop of Prague, 86–88; accepted by Korybut, 131
Prague, University of, its teaching opposed to Táborite innovations, 45; its famous articles to effect conciliation in Hussite wars, 55–57; failure of its conciliatory attempt, 57; defends Roman ritual against Táborite teaching, 114; attacked by disciples of Zělivo, 128–129; its divines at disputation of Konopišt, 150–154; theological conference at, 257–261
Pressburg, peace negotiations between Sigismund and Utraquists at, 227–234
Přibrik of Klenov, Hussite general, captures Střibro, 202–203; defends Střibro against German crusaders, 209; his anarchical conduct, 325; abandons Táborites, 326
Prokop, Táborite preacher, expels Utraquist priests from churches of Prague, 119
Prokop “the Great,” commander of Táborites, his early life and character, 185–187; defeats Germans at Ústi, 190, 195; attacks Victorin of Poděbrad, 196–197; marches on Plzeň, 210; invades Silesia, 219–225; at peace conference at Pressburg, 226–234; his views on the Sacrament, 236–237; his successful winter campaign in Germany, 240–243; writes defence of his faith, 244–248; refuses to accept Romanist decrees, 253–254; marches against German crusaders, 266; accused by Orphans, 276–277; attends diet at Prague, 279; demands safe conduct to Cheb, 281; informs Sigismund of result of conference at Cheb, 283–284; delegate of Council of Basel, 286; addresses assembly at Basel, 294; Cesarini’s admiration of, 298; addresses diet at Prague, 309, 316; attempts to establish order in Bohemia, 315; before Plzeň, 319–326; imprisoned by Táborites at Plzeň, 322; captures Prague, 328–329; his letter to Prokop the Lesser, 329–330; assumes command at Lipany, 334; falls in battle, 335
Prokop of Kladrub, attends religious conference at Žebrak, 218
Prokop of Plzeň, his unjustifiable attack on Táborites at Prague, 75–76; imprisoned by citizens of Prague, 202; envoy to Council of Basel, 310
Prokupek (Prokop the Lesser), commands Orphans, 219; attacks forces of Sigismund at Tyrnau, 255–256; attends diet at Prague, 279; receives letter from Prokop the Great, 329–330; at Lipany, 334; falls in battle, 335
Ptácěk of Pirkštýn, envoy to Brno, 352
Puta of Častolovice, 165, 166; defeated by Žižka, 166; fights against Bohemians on behalf of Silesians, 221–222; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227
Regensburg, 340, 342; embassy to Sigismund at, 344–345
Rosenberg family, their antagonism to Venceslas, 11
Sacrament, in the two kinds (see Utraquism), 4; Hussite dispute concerning Real Presence in, 236–237
St. Mary Magdalene, celebration by Hussites on feast of, 8
St. Valentine, Diet of, 351–352
Sigismund. King, opposed by Bo-