Page:The Hussite wars, by the Count Lützow.djvu/405

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hemian nobles, 1, 6; hostile attitude towards Hussites, 6–7; described Zělivo as dragon of Revelation, 9, 13; position in regard to Bohemian throne on death of Venceslas, 13; conditional invitation to throne, 14–15; his evasive answer, 15; refuses reconciliation with Bohemia, 19; arrives in Brno to claim Bohemian throne, 35; hostile attitude towards envoys from Prague, 35–36; proceeds to Breslau, 37; summons imperial diet, 38–39; rouses hostility of Polish envoys, 39; supports papal bull against Hussites and Wycliffites, 40; his estrangement from Frederick of Brandenburg, 40; commences campaign against Bohemians, 40–41; his success at Králové Hradec, 41; denounced strongly by Čeněk of Wartenberg, 42; receives surrender of Hradčany and Vyšehrad castles, 43–44; declares hostility to envoys of Prague, 44; retires on Stara Boleslav, 46; his cruelties on march to Prague, 47; his hopeful position before Prague, 48; his defeat at Vitkov, 52–55; his courage called in question, 54–55, 59; his camp breaks up for various causes, 57–59; crowned as King of Bohemia, 59–60; refuses to accept articles of Prague and insults envoy of Králové Hradec, 62–63; his forces defeated at Vyšehrad, 63–70; plot against throne of, 77–83; makes ineffectual attempt to attack Žižka, 83–84; his deposition announced at assembly of Časlav, 93; reduces Moravia to submission, 101–102; enters Bohemia, 103; his victorious campaign at Kutna Hora, 104–108; sets fire to Kutna Hora, 109; retreats to Německý Brod, 109–111; defeated by Žižka at Německý Brod, 110–111; unsuccessfully attempts invasion of Bohemia, 139–141; forms alliance with Vitold and Ladislas to attack Bohemia, 143–145; Bohemians renew negotiations with, 164–166; story of his attempt at reconciliation with Žižka, 169; accuses Germans of heretical sympathies, 181; retreats before united Hussite forces, 184; his relations with Germany, 215; Hussites attempt pacific negotiations with, at Pressburg, 225–234; sends representatives to Prague, 257; and to Cheb, 261–262; his attitude of bravado after defeat at Domážlice, 272, 273; Prokop’s letter to, about negotiations at Cheb, 283–284; negotiates with Táborites, 326; effect of battle of Lipany on, 337; arrives at Basel, 340; receives representatives of Bohemia and Council of Basel, 345; secretly negotiates with Táborites, 350; attends diet at Brno, 353; conciliatory negotiations with Bohemians, 354–362; arrives at Jihlava, 360; received as king in Prague, 362
Silesia, its raids on Bohemia, 89, 98; Bohemian invasion in, 219–225
Simon Olesnicky, Bishop of Cracow, 141
Simon of Tišnov, attends religious conference at Žebrak, 218
Slané, aids Praguers against royalists, 46; cruelty of Sigismund at, 47
Sophia, Queen, favours Hussite cause, 3–4, 14; becomes regent, 14; concludes armistice with Praguers, 19; meets Sigismund at Brno, 35
Stallbogner, Hans, on dissensions of German crusaders, 208
Stara Boleslav (Alt Bunzlau), Sigismund retires to, 46
Stojkovic, John, Bishop of Ragusa, welcomes Bohemians in Basel, 291; addresses Council of Basel, 297, 299
Střibro, captured by Hussites under Přibrik of Klenov, 202–203; held by Přibrek of Klenov against German crusaders, 209
Sudoměř, royalist party defeated by Žižka at, 22–23
Svidrigal, Grand Duke, succeeds Vitold, 286
Svojše of Zahradka, betrays Korybut’s supposed plot against Utraquists, 199–200; receives high offices in Prague, 201–202