Tábor, meeting-place of Hussites at Ústi, 7; name given derisively to mine-shaft at Kutna Hora by miners, 18; new stronghold of, transferred to Hradište, 20, 31–32; reception of Žižka at, 31–33
Táborites, their meeting at U Křižku on death of Sigismund, 15–16; advance on Prague, 16–17; march to Plzeň, 19; found new city, 20, 31–32; their four leaders, 33–34; aid Praguers against Sigismund, 45; their dissension with citizens of Prague, 49, 60–61; their teachings, 61; vacate Prague for S. Bohemia, 61; their disputes with Utraquists, 73–77; accusations brought against at Hussite conference at Prague, 75–77; send Koranda as envoy to Praguers, 112–114; fanatics among, 118; their statements at disputation at Konopišt, 150–154; effect of Žižka’s death on, 177; divide into two parties, 177–178, 182; their futile conferences at Ždíc, Kouřim and Prague, 178–181; reply to Rokycan’s attack at Prague conference, 257–261; anarchical conduct of, 324; confederacy formed against, 325; decisive victory at Lipany over, 333–336
Tachov, operations near, in German crusade, 209–214; failure of Germans to capture, 267–268
Tannenberg, victory of Poles at, 2
Thomas Ebendorf of Haselbach, delegate to Regensburg, 344
Tyrnau, Hussite victory at, 255–256
U Křižku, meeting-place of Táborites, 15–16
Ulrich, Lord of Hradec Jindřichův (Neuhaus), attempts reconciliation between Hussite parties, 74–77; arrest Martin Loquis, 115
Ulrich, Lord, of Rosenberg, sanctions manifesto against Sigismund, 42; repulsed by Hussites at Tábor, 46; murders Utraquists at Tábor, 63; defeated by Žižka, 70; appointed regent of Bohemia, 94; attends peace conference of Pressburg, 227; attempts to establish order in Bohemia, 315; negotiates against Táborites, 325; at Kačin hill, 328; reinforces Bohemian league, 331, 332; confers with Sigismund, 346–347; envoy to Brno, 253
Ulrich, Lord, of Usti, killed by Žižka, 33
Ulrich, priest of Znoymo, delegate of Council at Basel, 286; defends third article of Prague, 295
Uršovec, John of, envoy to Cheb, 281
Ústi, on the Luznice, meeting-place of Hussites, 7, 20
Usti nad Laben, Bohemians defeat German forces at, 190–195
Utraquism, fundamental doctrine of adherents of Hus, 4–5
Utraquists, their origin, 4–5; their priests expelled from Prague, 7; send conditional invitation to Sigismund, 14–15; their first disputes with Táborites, 60–64, 73–77; expulsion of their priests by followers of John of Zělivo, 118–119
Vacha of Rican, his bravery at battle of Ústi, 193
Valečov, Bartos and Bernard, their feud with Čeněk of Wartenberg, 147–148
Vávak of Hradec, 120
Velek Koudelnik, attacks Sigismund, 255; killed at Tyrnau, 256
Venceslas, King, expresses anger at execution of Hus, 3–4; his treacherous conduct towards Hussites, 7; abandons Church reform, 7, 8; begs aid against heretics from Sigismund, 13; his death, 13
Venceslas, Lord, of Duba, chamberlain of Sigismund, 20; secures surrender of Plzeň from Žižka, 21
Venceslas Koranda, parish priest of Plzeň, preaches at U Křižku, 15–16; advises march on Plzeň, 19; joins Žižka on journey to Tábor, 21; chosen as Táborite envoy to Prague, 112; preaches against use of vestments in St. Mary-of-the-Snow, Prague, 113
Venceslas of Troppau, attempts to stem advance of Bohemian invaders, 220