Page:The Indian Biographical Dictionary.djvu/419

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Sankaran Nair.

the exertions of the non-official Members; one of the founders of the “Madras Law Journal”, and was one of its Editors for some time; started and conducted the “Madras Review” for some time; was elected as President, Indian National Congress held at Amraoti, 1897; was also President of the first Madras Provincial Conference; President, Indian Arts Exhibition Committee of Madras, 1903; was Madras Correspondent to various newspapers in London; has contributed to the “Calcutta Review”, the “Contemporary Review”, etc.; was a Member of the Madras Municipality; wrote an account of the Social Customs of Malabar at the request of Sir William Hunter; was for long connected with the Madras Mahajana Sabha, and for some time was its Honorary Secretary; was Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor Madras, 1889 and 1904-07; Advocate-General, Madras, 1907; Judge, High Court, 1908; re-appointed Fellow, Madras University, 1904; Member and now President of the Faculty of Law, 1913; President of the S.P.C.A., Madras. Address: Poonamallee High Road, Egmore, Madras. Club: Cosmopolitan.

Sanyal Das, B.A., Rai Bahadur (1910), Bikanir State; was Deputy Collector in the service of the British Government, 1884-05; was Nazul Officer, and Officer in charge of Warikah Office, Lucknow; services lent to the State of Bikanir, 1911; became Member of the State Council. Address: Bikanir, Punjab, India.

Sanyal, Sarat Chendra, Rai Bahadur, M.A., B.L., Divisional and Sessions Judge, Nagpur, C.P.; s. of late Rai Bahadur Govinda Chendra Sanyal; b. at Saran, 1861; educ: at Patna and Canning College, Lucknow; his name is preserved in Gold letters on the roll of Honour in the central hall of the Canning College; passed B.A., 1884; was offered an appointment as Judicial officer in Bengal by the Hon’ble Mr. (now Sir) Henry Princep, in consideration of the services of his father; was selected by the High Court of Calcutta, on the requisition of Sir Antony (now Lord) MacDonell to improve the Civil Judiciary in the Central Provinces; became Senior Small Causes Judge, C.P., 1902; Divisional and Sessions Judge, Raipur, 1903; transferred to Nagpur in the same capacity, 1904; confirmed in the grade of Deputy Commissioner. Address: Nagpur, C.P., India.

Saomaung, K.S.M., C.I.E., 1908: Sawbwa of Yawn Ghwe, Shan States, Burma. Address: Yawng Hue, Shan States, Burma.

Sarangarh, Raja of; Lal Javahir Singh, b. 1888; succeeded to the estate as minor, 1890; area of the state 540 sq. miles; population, 80,000; the ancestors of the family are said to have come from Lauji and secured possession of the estate, with the title of Raja; they also are said to have rendered military service to the Raja of Ratnapur. Address: Sarangarh, C.P., India.

Sarbhadhikari, Hon’ble Doctor Dabiprasad; Member, Legislative Council, Bengal; appoint-