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Harper d: Brothers' Popular Novels. PBIOK HAGGARD'S (H. Rider) Dawn lt5mo, Half Clotli >; 75 Jess 16ino, Half Clotli, 75 cents; , 4to, Paper 15 King Solomon's Minos. ...16mo, Half Cloth, 75 cents ; 4to, Paper 20 Maiwa's Revenge. Illustrated 16mo, Paper 25 Half Cloth 75 Mr. Meeson's Will 16mo, Half Cloth, 75 cents; Paper 25 "She." Iird...l6mo, Half Cloth, 75 cts; Paper, 25 cts ; 4to, Paper 25 The Witch's Head 16mo, Half Cloth 75 HARDY'S (Thos.) A Laodicean. Hlustrated 4to, Paper 20 Fellow-Townsmen 32mo, Paper 20 Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid 4to, Paper 10 The Woodlanders 16mo, Cloth, 75 cents; 4to, Paper 20 Wessex Tales 8vo, Paper 80 HARRISON'S (Mrs.) Bar-Harbor Days. Illustrated 16mo, Cloth 1 25 Golden Rod 32mo, Paper 25 Helen Trov ItJmo, Cloth 1 00 HATTON'S (Joseph) John Xeedham's Double 12mo, Paper 25 The Great AVorld 4to, Paper 20 The Queen of Bohemia 4to, Paper 15 Three Recruits 4to, Paper 15 HAY'S (M. C.) A Dark Inheritance 32mo, Paper 15 A Shadow on the Threshold 32mo, Paper 20 A Wicked Girl 12mo, Paper 25 Among the Ruins, and Other Stories 4to, Paper 15 At the Seaside, and Other Stories 4to, Paper 15 Back to the Old Home 32mo, Paper 20 Bid Me Discourse 4to, Paper 10 Dorothy's Venture 4to, Paper 15 For Her Dear Sake 4to, Paper 15 Hidden Perils 8vo, Paper 25 Into the Shade, and Other Stories 4to, Paper 15 Lady Carmichael's Will 32mo, Paper 15 Lester's Secret 12mo, Paper, 30 cents; 4to, Paper 20 Missing 32mo, Paper 20 My First Offer, and Other Stories 4to, Paper 15 Nora's Love Test 8vo, Paper 25 Old Myddelton's Money 8vo, Paper 25 Reaping the Whirlwind o2mo, Paper 20 The Arundel Motto 8vo, Paper 25 The Sorrow of a Secret 32ino, Paper 15 The Squire's Legacy 8vo, Paper 25 Under Life's Key, and Other Stories 4to, Paper 15 Victor and Vanquished 8vo, Paper 25 HOF.Y'S (Mr.-;. C.) A Golden Sorrow gvo, Paper 40 A Stern Chase 4 to, Paper 20 All or Nothing 4to, Paper 15 Kate Cronin's Dowry 32mo, Paper 15 The Blossoming of an Aloe 8vo, Paper 30 The Lover's Creed 4to,, Paper 20 The Question of Cain 4to. Paper 20 HOSMEK'S (G. W.) "As We Went Marching On." 16mo, Cloth 1 00 HOWARD'S (lilanchc W.) Tonv, the Maid. Illustrated.... lOmo, Cloth 1 OU HOWELLS'S (W. D.) April Hopes 12mo, Cloth 1 50 The Garroters lOmo, Cloth 60