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Harper d: Brothers' Popular Novels. PRICE HUGHES'S (Thomas) Tom Brown's School Days. Illiijitiated 8vo, Paper, 40 cents ; 4to, Paper $ 10 Tom Brown at Oxford. Illustrated 8vo, Paper 60 School Days and Oxford. In one volume 8vo, Cloth 1 50 HUGO'S (Victor) Nmety-Three. Ill'd. 12mo, Cloth, $1 50; 8vo, Paper 25 The Toilers of the Sea. Ill'd 8vo, Cloth, 150; 8vo, Paper 50 HUMPHREY'S (F. A.) The Children of Old Park's Tavern.. 16mo, Cloth 1 00 JAMES'S (Henry) An International Episode 3 2 mo, Paper 20 Daisy Miller 82mo, Paper 20 Diary of a Man of Fifty, and A Bundle of Letters 82mo, Paper 25 The four above-mentioned works in one volume 4to, Paper 25 Washington Square. Illustrated 16nio, Cloth 1 25 JOHXSON'S (V. W.) A Sack of Gold Svo, Paper 35 Joseph the Jew Svo, Paper 40 Miss Nancy's Pilgrimage 8vo, Paper 40 The Calderwood Secret Svo, Paper 40 The Neptune Vase 4to, Paper 20 Tulip Place 12mo, Paper 25 Two Old Cats 4to, Paper 15 JOHNSTON'S (R. M.) Dukesborough Tales. Illustrated 4to, Paper 25 Mr. Absalom Billingslea, and Other Georgia Folk. Illustrated. mo, Cloth 1 00 Old Mark Langston 16mo, Cloth 1 00 KING'S (Captain Charles) A War-Time Wooing. Ill'd. ..Post Svo, Cloth 1 00 KING'S (Katharine) Hugh Melton. Illustrated Svo, Paper 25 Off the Roll Svo, Paper 50 Our Detachment Svo, Paper 35 The Bubble Reputation 4to, Paper 15 LANG'S (Andrew) In the Wrong Paradise, etc 12mo, Cloth fiO LANG'S (Mrs. A.) Dissolving Views. 1 6mo, Cloth, 50 cents ; 1 6mo, Paper 35 LAWRENCE'S (G. A.) Anteros Svo, Paper 40 Breaking a Butterfly Svo, Paper 35 Guy Livingstone....! 12mo, Cloth, $1 50; 4to, Paper 10 Hagarene Svo, Paper 35 Sans Merci Svo, Paper 35 LEE'S (V.) Miss Brown 4to, Paper 20 Ottilie, and The Prince of the Hundred Soups 4to, Paper 20 LEVER'S (Charles) A Day's Ride Svo, Paper 40 Barrington Svo, Paper 40 Gerald Fitzgerald Svo, Paper 40 Lord Kilgobbin. Illustrated Svo, Cloth, $1 00 ; Svo, Paper 50 One of Them Svo, Paper 50 Roland Cashel. Illustrated Svo, Paper 75 Sir Brook Fosbrooke Svo, Paper 50 Sir Jasper Carew Svo, Paper 50 That Boy of Norcott's. Illustrated Svo, Paper 25 The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly Svo, Paper 50 The Daltons Svo, Paper 75 The Fortunes of Glencore Svo, Paper 50 The Martins of Cro' Martin Svo, Paper tlO LILLIE'S (Mrs. L.C.) Prudence. IH'd.iemo, Cloth, 90 cts. ; 16mo, Paper 50 LIXSKILL'S (M.) Between Heather and Sea 4to, Paper 20 In Exchange for a Soul 4to, Paper 20 LINTON'S (Mrs. E. Lynn) From Dreams to Waking Svo, Paper 20