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Harper d: Brothers' Popular Novels. PRICK LINTON'S (Mrs. E. Lynn) lone Stewart 4to, Paper $ 20 Lizzie Lortou of Greyrigg 8vo, Paper 50 My Love 4to, Paper 20 Our Professor 32mio, Paper 15 Pastoii Carew 4 to, Paper 20 Sowing the Wind 8vo, Paper 35 The Rebel of the Family 4to, Paper 25 Tlirougli the Long Nights 8vo, Paper 25 LOVpj and Mirage 16mo, Cloth, 60 cents ; Paper 35 LYALL'S (Edna) h the Golden Days 16mo, Cloth 75 Knight-Errant 4to, Paper 20 McCarthy's (Justin) Comet of a Season 4to, Paper 20 Donna Quixote 4to, Paper 15 Maid of Athens 4to, Paper 20 My Enemy's Daughter. Illustrated Svo, Paper 50 The Waterdale Neighbors .* Svo, Paper 35 McCarthy's (Justin H.) Doom l2mo, Paper 25 Our Sensation Novel 12mo, Paper 25 MACDONALD'S (George) Alec Forbes Svo, Paper 50 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood ; 12mo, Cloth 1 25 Donal Grant 4to, Paper 20 (iuild Court Svo, Paper 40 Warlock o' Glenwarlock 4to, Paper 20 Weighed and Wanting 4to, Paper 20 What's Mine's Mine 4to, Paper 20 MACQUOID'S (Mrs.) Beside the River 4to, Paper 20 Elinor Dryden 4to, Paper 15 Joan Wentworth 12mo, Paper 25 Louisa. In Two Parts 12mo, Paper, each 25 Marjorie 4to, Paper 20 M^re Suzanne 4to, Paper 20 Patty Svo, Paper 50 Sir James Appleby, Bart 4to, Paper 20 The Awakening 32mo, Paper 15 The Mill of St. Herbot 32mo, Paper 20 Too Soon Svo, Paper 30 MAGRUDER'S (Julia) A Magnificent Plebeian 16mo, Cloth 1 00 MARTIN'S (Mrs. Herbert) Amor Vincit 4to, Paper 20 " Bonnie Le.«ley " 4to, Paper 10 " For a Dream's Sake" 4lo, Paper 15 MEREDITHS (Geo.) Diana of the Crossways 4to, Paper 20 Evan Harrington 12mo, Cloth 1 50 The Egoist 4to, Paper 15 The House on the Beach 32mo, Paper 20 MOLESWORTH'S (Mrs.) Marrying and Giving in Marriage. .4to, Paper 15 Miss Bouverie ....4to, Paper 15 Us 12mo, Paper 25 MULOCK'S (Miss) A Brave Lady. Illustrated 12mo, Cloth 90 Agatha's Husband. lU'd 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents ; Svo, Paper 35 A Legacy 12mo, Cloth 90 A Life for a Life 12mo, Cloth, 90 cents; Svo, Paper 40 A Noble Life 12mo, Cloth 90 Avillion, and Other Tales Svo, Paper 60 Christian's Mistake 12mo, Cloth 90