Page:The Lady of the Lake - Scott (1810).djvu/390

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14. Braids, strides quickly forward.
Wad, would.
15. Canny, adroit.
Mony, many.
Well-waled, well chosen.
17. An, if.
Bide, abide.
Lemman, mistress.
18. Nagate, nowise.
19. Couth, could; knew how to.
Lat be, let alone.
Gude, goods; property.
20. Aneath, beneath.
Dwalling-stead, dwelling-place.
21. Sary, sorrowful.
Rede, counsel; consultation.
Forfairn, forlorn; lost; gone.
Tyne, (verb neut.) be lost; perish.
22. Will of rede, bewildered in thought; in the Danish original "vildraadige;" Lat. "inops consilii;" Gr. 'ἀπορων. This expression is left among the desiderata in the Glossary to Ritson's Romances, and has never been explained. It is obsolete in the Danish as well as in English.
Fare, go.
23. Rud, red of the cheek.
Clem'd, in the Danish, klemt; (which, in the north of England, is still in use, as the word starved is with us;) brought to a dying state. It is used by our old comedians.
Harm, grief; as in the original, and in the old Teutonic, English, and Scottish poetry.
24. Waefu, woeful.
Moody, strongly and wilfully passionate.
Rew, take ruth; pity.
Unseely, unhappy; unblest.
Wierd, fate.
Fa, (Isel. Dan. and Swed.) take; get; acquire; procure; have for my lot.—This Gothic verb answers, in its direct and secondary significations, exactly to the Latin capio; and Allan Ramsay was right in his definition of it. It is quite a different word from fa', an abbreviation of 'fall, or befall; and is the principal root in fangen, to fang, take, or lay hold of.
25. Fay, faith.
Mold, mould; earth.
Mat, mote; might.
Maun, must.
Mell, mix.
El, an elf. This term, in the Welch, signifies what has in itself the power of motion; a moving principle; an intelligence; a spirit; an angel. In the Hebrew, it bears the same import.
26. Minted, attempted; meant; shewed a mind, or intention to. The original is:

"Hand mindte hende först—og anden gang:—
Hun giordis i hiortet sa vee: