Page:The Lady of the Lake - Scott (1810).djvu/391

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End blef hand den lediste diefvel
Mand kunde med oyen see.
Der hand vilde minde den tredie gang," &c.

Syth, tide; time.
Kyth, appear.
28. Stound, hour; time; moment.
29. Merry, (old Teut. meré,) famous; renowned; answering, in its etymological meaning, exactly to the Latin mactus. Hence merry-men, as the address of a chief to his followers; meaning not men of mirth, but of renown. The term is found in its original sense in the Gaël. mâr, and the Welsh mawr, great; and in the oldest Teut. Romances, mar, mer, and mere, have sometimes the same signification.
31. Mends, amends; recompence.
33. Maik, match; peer; equal. Propine, pledge; gift.
35. öe, an island of the second magnitude; an island of the first magnitude being called a land, and one of the third magnitude a holm.
36. Cour'd, recover'd.