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XXL. T J R LI A ME NT. XXI II. of October, i6iz. 413

ver perfon or perfons,their Heirs & affignayes by our Soveraigne Lady,as Lady oi'Dunfermling with confcnt

ifTent and authoritie of our faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, her Majelties deareft bedfellow for his HKghnes entres and with advyce , confent and aflent of ALEXANDER Earle of "Dunfermelmg Dhancellar, WALTER Lord of Blentyre , umquhyle Maifter JOHN LYNDESAY ofBa/car- w.umquhyleMaifterJAMES ELPHINSTOUN oUnnernochtie , Sir THOMAS HAMIL- rON of Z?ywKnicht, Secretarc, umquhyle ALEXANDER HAY of Eafter Rennet Clerk of Regifter for the tyme, and Maifter PETER YOUNG of Seatoim Elymofinar to hisMajeftie , or liny foure of them her Majefties Counfellors nominat be OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD, with advyce of the Eftates of his Highnes Parliament halden at Edinburgh in theMonethof Julij. 15-93. yeares. Or with confent of fik uther perfone or perfons nominat & placed as Counfellors to her Majeftie fmce the deceafleofany of the perfons particularly above-named, or with confent of any others her Majefties Counfellours, who fhail happen at any time hereafter to be nominate in place of the perfons above- named , either already deceafed , or that hereafter fhall happen to deceafe , in manner and forme as is prefcryved in the faid Act of Parliament, made in the faid Moneth of July, 1593. yeares : In all and (fundry points , pafTages , heads ♦ articles , claufes , circumftances and conditions whatfomever therein contained after the formes and tenours thereof refpeclive in all points. And OUR faid SOVE- •RAIGNE LORD and Eftates forefaids , wills and grants , declares < decernes, and ordeins, that (this prefent Confirmation is and ihall be als valiable , effectual and fufhcient in allrefpects , as if die forefaids Infeftments, Charters, Precepts and Inftruments of Seafine granted to our faid Soveraigne Lady of the faid whole Lordfhip of Dunferm/ing , together with the other Infeftments > Precepts , gifts of Offices, Tacks, Indentures, Contracts, Aflignations , and others above-written , either already made, given and granted , or that hereafter fliall happen to be made given and granted by her Majeftie , with confent, affent, authoritie and advice forefaid, to any perfon or perfons , conteining difpofkion , tack, (gift , or other right of the faid Lordfhip and Patrimonie of Dunjermling, of any part of the famin were at lengdi word by word ingrofled hereintil. 11. Ane AEl declaring that all Ratifications paft in this ^Parliament are no other -wayes exped, but Salvo jure Cujuflibet. OR-fameikk as in this prefent Seffion of Parliament, there are many Ratifications part, where- in divers and new claufes are infert, whilks may be prejudicial to particular parties Rights, andde- ogative to many and fundry Laws lawfully made and eftablifhed of before : albeit the meaning of the Iftates he at this time as it was ever in all preceeding Parliaments , that by na Aft of Ratification any ther party fhould be hurt and prejudged. FOR Remeed whereof, It is ftatute and ordeined, that no Ratification paft in this prefent Senior* if Parliament, fhould be prejudicial to any private parties Right, but that the faids Ratifications be al J pyes under ftudc, whidder they be general or fpecial, to be Salvo jure Cttjujlibet. FINIS. Lil THE