Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/474

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•4*2, K I N G JAMES THE S E X T, they, and everie one of them , by North the River of T)ee , within die fpace of fifteene dayes after eve- ry Tearme of MartinmefTe and Whitfunday -. and that they , and everie one of them , by South the River of T>ee , within the fpace often dayes after every Tearme of MartinmefTe and Whitfonday , deliver to his Ma- jeftiesfaid Collector General, atrueand juftAccompt and Inventor, of the whole fummes of money due to be payed by any perfon within the boundes of their Jurifdiction , for his part of the faid Extraordinarie Taxation : And that they give up the fame Compt and Inventor upon their Oath, folernnely fvvorne, that the fame is juft and true : And make payment unto his Majefties faid Collector General , or to his De- puties in his name : having his power to receave the fame of the whole moneys due to be payed to his Maje- itie , conforme to the faid Compt and Inventor , within Twentie dayes after each Tearme , under the paine of Rebellion, &c. And in-cafe the faids Sherriffes,Stewardes, Baillies, Baillies of Regalities,and Clerkes faile, to denounce and ofcheate, &c. Forwhofereliefe, that Letters bee directed , Charging all and fundry the faids Annuel-renters , to make payment to the faids SherrifFes , Stewardes , Baillies , Baillies of Regali- ties, Clerkes, Proved and Baillies of Burrowes , of the faids twentie pennie of all Annuel-rentes , freely due and payable to them i within Twentie dayes next after the charge, under the paine of Rebellion, &c. And if they faile ; to denounce and efcheate , &c. And if need bee , that the faids Sherriffes , Stewardes , Baillies, Baillies of Regalities, Clerkes, Proved and Baillies of Burrowes, poynd and diftraine therefore, as they fhall think mod meet and expedient. AND His HIGHNES, and ESTATES forefaids, Ordaines the Lordes of Seffion to bee only Judges to all fufpenfions to be craved and futed by any of OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDES Lie- ges, touching the faids Taxations, Which fufpenfions his Majedie and Edates forefaids finds, maybe ^ranted upon lawful and equitable reafons to bee'eonfidered by them , and difcharges all other Judges within this Realme , of granting of any fufpenfions thereanent. With power to the faids Lords to delegate five at the lead of their ordinarie number, as they think expedient , To fit, cognofce, and decide the faids fuf- penfions, intimeofVacance, if need be. ACT IV. i_Ane Ati of Ratification , in favour of the T RIMCE His Highnefs. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD With Advife and Confent of the Edates of Parliament , Rati- fies, Approves, and for Him and His Succeflors , perpetually confirmes all and whatfoever Infeft- ments, Gifts, Donationes, and other Rightes * and Titles, made, or granted by His MAJESTIE, or ony other His mod Noble Progenitoures to His Highneffe , CHARLES, PRINCE and STEWARD of SCOTLAND, His MAJESTIES Deared Sonne, or any other His High- <] nefie the Prince , his Predeeeflbures, Princes , and Stewards of SCOTLAND, of whatfoever Lands, Lordfhips , Barronies , Superiorities , Offices , Annuel-rents , Advocations , Donations and Rights of Patronage of Kirkes, Benefices, Chaplainries , Akerages, and others whatfoever, where ever they lye within this Kingdome of SCOTLAND: together with all Actes of Parliament , other Actes , Lawes, Sta- ; tutes , Confuetudcs , Immunities , Honours , Priviledges , Prerogatives , and Liberties , whatfoever made, introduced, orjoyfed, by his Highnes the Prince, or any His Highnes Predeceffburs , Princes of SCOTLAND, in any time by-gone. Notvvithdanding whatfoever Actes of Parliament , other Actes, Lawes, or Conditutions , which may appeare to derogate to the fame, or that may or can be ex- tended, or bee interprets in the contrarie thereof , either fpecial or general. AND FURTHEPv De- clares , that this general Ratification fhall bee as effectual , as if all and fundry the faids Infeftments , Giftes , Donations , Actes , Priviledges , Immunities , Prerogatives , and others forefaids , were at length herein exprefled , named , and numbred. Anent the which His Majedie , with advife and confent of the Edates, have difpenfed , anddifpenfe, by thefeprefents : Referving alwayes the Landes , and others,, affigned for the entertainment of the Cadei oiTtttmbartane, to be apply ed to thatufe, until fome other provifion be made thereto , in place of the fame. ACT V. ' i^Sient the Tlantation of Kirkes, as yet implanted. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD underdanding , that there bee divers Kirkes within this King- dome , which by the late Commiffion appointed for plantation of Kirkes , in the Parliament holden in Junij , 1 6 1 7 . were not fetled nor provided with condant Stipendes : But which yet remaine disfurnilhed, and unprovided of competent meanes to be given to the Miniiters, who fhall be provided to the charge and function of the cure of the fame. AND THEREWITH alfo His Majedie confideriiig , That there have been heretofore fundrie Kirkes united together , and conjoyned in one : albeit upon good confiderati ons , it may be found more expedient , That the fame union bee difiblved , and that the faids Kirkes bee provided feverally, wirhdidiiicT: Functions, andfepafate fervises, at fuch places where the commodkie may