Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/476

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4?4 KING J tyfiM E S THE S E X T, I N the which cafe of Plantation , and provifion of the Kirks which {hall be dif-joyned , as faid is , the prefentation of the Mini Iters fhall be appointed by the faids Commifsioners , to pertain to the Patrons , con- form to their rights thereof, to be produced before them. And as the faids Lords Commifsioners lliall finde molt agreeable with reafon and equity. With power likewife to the faids Commifsioners to appoint and fee down fuchfolide order, for erecting and building of new Kirks, in any Parochines, where they fhall finde necefsitie and conveniencie to do the fame , and where the Parochiners are not prefently well and commo- dioufly ferved at the prefent Kirks of the Parochine, as they lliall finde moft expedient. And the faids Kirks, bein 3 erefted, with power to the faids Commifsioners, to provide the fame with fuch proportion of Sti- pend^ , as they fhall finde may be with leaft prejudice , and belt commoditie, made out of the fruites of the faids Parochines, to the Minifters, to be appointed to ferve at the faids new builded Kirkes; To the which building and making of new Kirks, and providing of the fame with competent Stipends, The faids Eftates findes and declares, that it fhall be expreflieneceflarie, that the Patrons, Tackf-men, and o- ther parties having Interefle in the Erection and building of the faids new Kirks , and in the planting and pro- vifion thereof forefaid, give their exprefle warrand and confent thereunto. Which being fb had , and ob- tained , With power to the faids Commifsioners , to proceede therein as is moft agreeable with rea- fon. I T I S alwayes declared , that in all, and every one of the cafes above- written : that is to fay, either in providing of Kirks not planted of before , or in dif-uniting of kirkes formerly joyned : and appoint- ing of feveral and diftincT Stipends to the fame : Or in the Erecting of new kirks , and provifion of them with Minifters, and ftipends,The faids Commifsioners fhall have exprefle power and warrand to determine, and appoint fuch proportion and quantity, as they fhall finde expedient, either amounting over the fum of five hundreth Merks.or beneath and under the fame,as they fhall finde may moft conveniently & commo- dioufly be had : alter the confideration of die quantity and eftate of the fruits of the kirke , and the cafe wherein the fame is : And as maybe with leaft prejudice fpared out of the fame. AND the faids E- ST AT ES finds and declares , That the faids Commifsioners fhall have no power, by vertueof this Commifsion, to alter, or meddle with any kirk, which was fetledby vertue of the forefaid Commifsion, graunted in Azm> 1617. yeares; Or to change the eftate thereof in any wayes : Or yetto erect, buiide or provide any new kirke without the fpecial and exprefle confent of all parties, having Interefse , had, and obtayned thereunto: Without whole confents, it fhall not be lawful for the faids Commiflioners , in any wayes , to touch the faids Kirks fo provided : But the fame are exprefly excepted ( Except in cafe of confent forefaid) out of this prefent Commifsion. AND ALSO, Forafmuch as the faids ESTATES of Parliament, confidering the particular Pe titions and fupplications after fpecified , given in to them by the perfbns under -written , to the effect following: to wit, a petition given in by Thomas Burnet of Leyes; Defiring a new Kirk robe erected, and builded , within the Parochine of ^etterejfo, upon any part within the fame Parochine, moft eweft for the inftruction of the Parochiners of FettereJJo, who dwell moft remote from the prefent Kirk thereof. I- tem, a Supplication given in by the Gentlemen and Parochiners of the Parochine oiRoifiiethe-, Defiring that the Kirke of Roijhethe , for the caufes fpecified in their Supplication, founded upon the incommodious fituationof the faid Kirk, might be tranfported out of theYleoi Roijhethe , where it prefently ftandeth, to that part of the maine Land of the faid Parochine , csiledthe lands oidrdinconnel, as place moft con- venient , and indifferent for the whole Parochiners to refort unto. Item, a Petition given in by John Earlc oUVifton, Lord Fleeming, and Cumbernauld, and remanent Parochiners of the Parochine of Leinzie : craving licence to tranfport, found, build, and erect, the Kirk of the faid Parochine of Leinzie, prefently Itanding at the Weft end of the Parochine thereof; to any other part of the fame Parochine, near the middeft thereof , moft convenient for the eafe of the whole Parochiners : And being builded , to be declared to be the only Kirk of the faid Parochirje of Leinzie. Item, two Warrands given in under His HIGHNESS Hand, concerning the appointing and determinating, which of the two Kirks of Larbaire undDonypace formerly united, mould be the ordinary place of publick Divine Service of the faids two Parochines, As in the fame two Patentes containing their own feveral defires at more length is contained. Item, a Petitior, given in by the Parochiners of the Parochines of Kikharrane , Kilmichael, and Kilchujlane , united bv the former Commifsion : and of the Parochines, and Kilblane, alfo united by the fame Com- mifsion: all lying within Kintyre: Defiring Libertie for building and erecting of a Kirk for ferving ol the firfl three Parochines, with another Kirk for ferving of the two laft Parochines , both united as faid is Item, a Supplication given in by John, Lord Hay of Zefter , and the pofieflbrs of the Lands of Rodonno Defiring, that the fame Lands of Rodonno , with the Pertinents , fhould be declared to have been , and t( be in time comming , a part of the Parochine of Lyns,as alfo craving, that it might be lawful to the faid John Lord Hay, of Zefter , to build a Kirk upon the moft commodious place of his lands of Rodonno, otMegget for ferving of the Inhabitants thereof, at fuch times as they fhould be impeaded by ftorme of weather, fron comming to the Kirk of Lyns. Item,afupplication given in to the faids ESTATES Defiring, that th< diffblution of the fourty pound land of Buchanane , from the Kirk of Luffe , and union thereof, to the Kiri and Parochine of hifchcalzieoche , done by the former Commifsion , might be now ratified : an< the fame fourty pound land , declared to remaine in rime comming, as a part of theparochini