Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/553

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In Witneſs whereof (Written be James Phillip Servitour to Maſter John Hay Common Clerk of Edinburgh) Wee the Commiſſioners of the Burghs under-written, have subſcribed thir preſents with Our Hands: Likeas his Sacred Majeſty, in token of his acceptation hereof, hath Superſcribed the ſame with his Majeſties Hand, Day, Year, and Place foreſaids, Before thir Witneſſes George Gutie, Patrick Eleis, and John Tod, Burgeſſes of the ſaid Burgh of Edinburgh, and Alexander Mcnaught Writter, with diverſe others. Sic Subſcribtur, Alex: Peebles Moderatour, John Mcnaught for Edinburgh, Tho: Weir for Edinburgh, And: Wilſon for Perth, Thomas Halyburtoun for Dundee, Maſter Alexander Forbeſs for Aberdeen, Alex: Cowan for Stirling, Will: Bell for Linlithgow, Simeon Greg for St. Andrews, Gabriel Cunmgham for Glaſgow, John Knight for Aire, Mr. James Cockburn for Hadingtoun, David Chriſtison for Dyſert, Alex: Law for Kirlaldie, John Jarden for Montroſe, Rob: Pearſon for Couper, Henry Moreis for Anſtruther, John Irving for Dumfreis, Duncan Forbeſs for Innerneſs, Will: Meiklejohn for Bruntiſland, Mr. Rob: Cuninghame for Kinghorn, Allan Dunlap for Irwing, Mr. John Rutherford for Jedburgh, John Ewart for Kircudburgh, Pat: Edgar for Wigtoun, Mr. Thomas Wardlaw for Dumfermling, Mr. John Ker for Selkirk, Geo: Purveſs for Dumbar, Mr. Ja: Pearſon for Arbroth, Alexander Muir for Peebles, David Watſon for Dumnbartoun, Gideon Jack for Lanerk, Tho: Cuningham for Carrail, David Forreſt for Tayne, Mr. Edward Black for Culroſs. Andrew Hunter for Forfar, Iohn Thomſon for Rutherglen, John Meinzies for Northberwick, George King younger for Pettinweym. Itaeſt Magiſter Alexander Guthrie Scriba Burgorum, Regni Scotiae Notarius Publicus, in praemiſſis requiſitus, nomine reliquorum Burgorum, de ſpeciali mandato reliquorum Commiſſionariorum; Teſtan his meis Signo, & Subſcriptione Manualibus, Mr. Alexander Guthrie, George Sutie Witneſs, Patrick Eleis Witneſs, John Tod Witneſs, and Alexander Mcnaught Witneſs.

Submiſſion made to His Majeſty, be certain Tackſmen, and Others having Right to Teinds, &c.

AT the Eighteenth day of 1628. The Perſons under-writen, having, or pretending a right, be whatſoever Title, Tack, or other manner of right, to whatſoever Teinds of other Mens Lands pertaining to whatſoever Biſhoprick, Abbacie, Priory, Parſonage, Viccarage, Colledge-Kirks, Prebendry, Chaplainry, or other Benefices whatſoever. And ſiclike, the Heretours, and Poſſeſſours, of whatſoever Lands lying within the ſaids Benefices, and who are desirous to have the Teinds of their own proper Lands pertaining to the ſaids Benefices, at a competent rate, and price, conform to his Majeſties gracious intention, declared, and ſignified for the well of the Kingdom; And conform to his Majeſties many, and ſeveral Proclamations made thereanent, THAT IS TO SAY, The ſaids Persons Considering that his Majeſty, their Dread, and Gracious Soveraign, out of his Royal care, Fatherly, and tender affection to the publick well of his Native, and moſt Ancient Kingdom of Scotland,was lately pleaſed in the Moneth of Januar 1627. Years, for the eaſe of his Majeſties Subjects, and removing the general fear which was conceived be reaſon of his Majeſties Revocation, given forth, and publiſhed, in the Moneth of October, 1625. years, to grant Commiſſion under his Majeſties Great Seal, to certain his Majeſties Commiſſioners, nominat in the ſaid Commiſſion, to Meet, Conveen, Deale, and Treat, anent ſuch reaſonable Compoſition, and Satiſfaction, to be given to ſuch of his Majeſties Subjects, as had Right to whatſoever Erections of Benefices, Temporalities, Few-mails, Kirks, Teinds, and Others pertaining thereto, and how lawfull Diſposition may be made to the Heretours, and Poſſeſſours of Lands, of the Teinds of their ſaids Lands, for ſach Compoſition, and yearly Dewty, to be payed, and Reſerved to his Sacred Majeſty, as the ſaids Commiſſioners ſhould think fit, and expedient: As in the ſaid Commiſſion of the Date foreſaid, bearing certain Declarations, Reſtrictions, and other Provisions, in favours of his Majeſties Subjects having Right to Erections, and in favours of Heretours, and Poſſeſſours of Lands, for Security of their Teinds, at more length is contained. BE VERTUE, and CONFORM to the which Commiſſion, the ſaids Commiſſioners having Conveened, and Treated anent the Premiſſes, from the ſaid Moneth of Januar, to the laſt of June 1627. years, There was during that time, a great progreſs made be them, in the ſaid buſineſs committed to their care, And be an Act of the 29 of May 1627. years, It was Adviſed, Enacted, and Concluded, That his Majeſty, and his Succeſſours, should have a constant Rent, and Dewty, payed out of the whole Teinds of the ſaid Kingdom, conſiſting in Victual, or Silver, Except the particular Teinds excepted, and reſerved be the said Act, Likeas the ſaids Commiſſioners having entered upon conſideration of the Rate, and Price of Teinds, found ſuch difficulties, as they could not uniformly agree upon the true Eſtimation of the ſaids Teinds, in the Rate, Quality, and Prices thereof; And Therefore be ane Act of the Date of the ſaid 29 Day of June 1627. years, Condeſended that the determination thereof ſhould be referred to his Sacred Majeſty, As the ſaids Acts of the Dates foreſaids, in themſelves at more length proports. And all the ſaids Persons acknowledging in all Humility, his Majeſties Royall, and Princely Care, Providence, and Wisdom, with his Fatherly, and tender Affection, Tending to the removing of all queſtions, and controverſies, to the publick well, and good of the Kingdom; THEREFORE All the ſaids Persons, with one conſent, and aſſent, of certain Knowledge, and proper Motive, have Ratified, and Approven the ſaid Act made be the ſaids Commiſſioners, anent the ſaid con-
