Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/650

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So The Jesmi Seffisn sf the jwft Parliament T &c a(5tiomaadd€^c^ making of the faids particular Afts, and Adts of Rati- fications ; And diaitte Lords ©fSemon and all otiier Judges within this Kingdom , fhallbe oblieged to judge betwtxt patties, according m diekfeverai rights , Sanding in their perfons before the making of the faids A&s. All which are hereby exposed and declared m have been made , Salvo jure c&yuflibet. XIL Of C T of Adjournment, THE iiingsMajefty Declares this Parliament current, and adjourns the lame to the twentieth day of May next EQcome ; Ordaining all Noblemen , Commiffioners from Shires and Burroughs , and allothers having interefr , to attend thatday ; and that there be no new ele&ion in Shires or Burroughs , except upon she death ©r incapacity ©f any of die prefent Commiflioners. A. PRIMEROSE, Cls. Regifter. A TABLE Of the Printed ACTS. i A Ctfor the RsflitutionandKe-eJtabliJbment of 'the ancient Government of "the Church by Archbifoops XX and Bifhops. % AftforprefervationofHisCMajefiiesPerfin, Authority and Government. 5 Aft concerningfuch Benefices and Stipends as have been poffejkd without 'Presentations from the lawful Patrons. 4 %j£ft concerning Mafiers of 'Vniverfities , Minifters, &c. 5- Aft concerning the Declaration to befignedby allperfons inpubbek Truft. 6 Aft for fupprejfmgof Theft , jobberies andDepredations. 7 Aft for the allowance often thou/andpounds Scots , yearly , to the Lords of Se£ton t out of His Majt- fties Cufloms. $ The Kings Majefiies general Revocation. 9 Aft anent theTeinds belonging to Bifhops and other beneficed perfons. to The Kings CMqjefties gracious and freePardon, Aft qfbidempnity and Oblivion. xx Act Salvo jure cujuflibet, % Act of Adjowrmncnt* FINIS. - A W S