Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/666

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,6 The third Seffion of the first Tarliament of TheTown ofEdinburgb, in the fum of two thoufand , nine hundred, thirty two pounds ; The Shire of Haddingtoun, in the fum of one thoufand, two hundred, fcurfcore and eleven pounds ; The Shire of Ber- wick, in the fum of fix hundred, and ten pounds, fixteen fliillings ; The Shire of Roxburgh, in the fum of feven hundred , threefcore twelve pounds, fixteen iliillings ; The Shire of Selkirk , in the fum of one „ Jings ; "The Shire oT>umfriefe , in the fum of fix hundred , fifty fix pounds • The Shire oiWigtoua and Kirkcnd- brngh , in the fum of feven hundred , thirty two pounds , twelve iliillings , whereof the Stewartry of Kir.k- cudburgh is to pay the fum of four hundred, threefcore, one pounds, and the Shire of Wigtoun, the fum of two hundred, threefcore, eleven pounds , twelve {hillings ; The Shire of ^Air , in the fum of one thou- , fand, fix hundred, thirty nine pounds, fixteen iliillings ; The Shire of Tiumbartoun, in the fum of two hundred, fifty four pounds; The Shire of Bute, in the fum of fifty Coven pounds ; The Shire of Ren- frew , in the fum of four hundred , fifty feven pounds , four fliillings ; The Shire of Stirling , in the fum of nine hundred , and three fcore pounds , eight fliillings ; The Shire of Linlithgow , in the fum of feven hundred , fourfcore nineteen pounds, four fliillings ; The Shire oiTerth, in the fum of two thoufand, three hundred, threefcore, fourteen pounds, fixteen fliillings ; The Shire of Kincardin , in the fum of three hundred, threefcore, three pounds, twelve ihiilings ; The Shire o$ ^Aberdeen, in the fum of two thoufand, four hundred, and eighteen pounds, nineteen fhillings; The Shire oiBamfj-, in the fum of four hundred, fourty feven pounds, three fliillings; The Shire oilnnemefs, in the fum of feven hundred,fourfcore,fourteen pounds, ei<mt fhillings; The Shires of Elgin and Nairn, in the fum of five hundred, fourfcore fixteen pounds, four lliillinfrs; The Shire of Cromarty, in the fum of twenty four pounds; The Shire of Argyl, in the fum of four hundred, fourty three pounds, fixteen millings; The Shire of Fife and Kinrofs , in the fum of three thoufand , fix hundred , and eight pounds , eight fhillings ; The Jhire of Forfar , in the fum of one thoufand, twenty four pounds* four fhillings; The Town of Dundee , in the fum of feven hundred, and eighteen pounds, four fliillings; The Shire of Sutherland, in the fum of threefcore twelve pounds, twelve fliillings; The 51iire of Caithnefs , in the fum of one hundred, fifty three pounds, four fliillings; The Shire oiOrknay and Zetland, in the fum of two hundred, fourty three pounds, fixteen fliillings ; The Shire of Clackmannan , in the fum of two hundred , and fix pounds, two fhillings ; And the Shire otRofs , in the fum of two hundred and four pounds, money forefaid; Any thing in the faid Acl: of Parliament to die con- trary notwithftanding , which is hereby, Declared to be of no force or effecl;, as to the proportions of the faid Excife. after the faid firft day of November next. XXVII. in An humble Tender to His Sacred MajeBy, of the duty and loyalty of His ancient Kingdom of Scot land. FOrafmuch, as the Eftates of Parliament, upon confideration of the great bleflings this Kingdom enjoy" eth, under the protection of His Majefties Authority and the adminiftrations of His Royal Government' being thereby not only delivered from their former troubles, and all the evils which attend fuch ufurpations* but being fully reftored to, and pofleft of, all the liberties and priviledges of a free people; Have, by their feveral addrefles to His Sacred Majefty, made offer of their lives and fortunes, and all that is deareft to them, for the advancement of His Royal Honour, Authority and Greatnefs. And this Kingdom being ftill more and more fenfible of this their happinefs,by the often and renewed expreflions of HisMajeftiesgrace & favour, and oi His tendernefs and care of their preservation , in the peaceable and fecure enjoyment of their Religion, Laws, Liberties and Properties; Do find themfelves the more obliged to renew the expreffions of their duty and loyalty to His Majefty. And therefore, the Eftates of Parliament, of this His Majefties ancient King- dom of Scotland, do, in name and behalf of all His Majefties good ^Subjects within the fame , by thefe pre- fents, renew the dutiful tenderof their lives and fortunes, forthepromovingof His Majefties Service and the advancement of His Royal Authority. And as they do chearfuliy recognofce His Majefties Royal Pre- rogative and undoubted Right ofthefoiepowerofraifing, arming and commanding of His Subjects; So, ia a further acknowledgment of their duty, they do make humble and hearty offer to His Majefty , of twenty thoufand Foot-men and two thoufand Horfe-men, fufliciently armed , and furnifhed with fourty dayes provifion, to be raifed from the feveral Shires of the Kingdom, according to the Proportions following, viz-. From the Shires of Roxburgh and Selkirk, one thoufand, three hundred, thirty three Foot, and one hundred, fourty, eight Hbrfe. From the Shire of 'Berwick, eight hundred, Foot, and feventy, four Hoxfe. From the Shire oi Edinburgh, eight hundred Foot, and feventy four Hoxfe From the Shire of Haddingtoun, eight hundred Foot, and feventy, four //orfe. From the Shire of Tsebles, two hundred, fixty fix Foot, and twenty nine Hbrfe. From the Shire of Linlithgow, three hundred, thirty three Foot, and forty two Hbrfe. From the Burgh of Edinburgh, Lieth and Canongate, eight hundred Foot. From.