Page:The Legal Code of Ælfred the Great.djvu/158

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Ðis is ðæt frið ðæt ælfred cyninc 7 gyðrum cyning 7 ealles angelcynnes witan 7 eal seo ðeod ðe on east ænglum beoð ealle gecweden habbað 7 mid aðum gefeostnod for hy sylfe 7 for heora gingran, ge for geborene ge for ungeborene, ðe godes miltse recce oððe ure. Ærest ymb ure langemæra: up on temese, 7 ðonne up on ligan, 7 andlang ligan oð hire æwylm, ðonne up on gerihte to bedan forda, ðonne up on usan oð wætlinga stræt. *Ðæt is ðonne, gif man ofslægen weorðe, ealle we lætað efen dyrne engliscne 7 deniscne, to .VIII. healf mearcum asodenes goldes, buton ðam ceorle ðe on gafollande sit 7 heora liesengum, ða syndan eac efen dyre ægðer to .CC. scill.; 7 gif man cyninges ðegn beteo manslihtes, gif he hine ladian dyrre, do he þæt mid .XII. cininges ðegnum; gif ma ðone man betyhð ðe bið læssa maga ðone se cyninges ðegn, ladige he hine mid .XI. his gelicena 7 mid anum cyninges ðægne; 7 swa ægehwilcre spræce ðe mare sy ðone .IIII. mancussas; 7 gyf he ne dyrre, gylde hit ðrygylde swa hit man gewyrðe. 7 þæt ælc man wite his getyman be mannum 7 be horsum 7 be oxum. 7 ealle we cwædon on ða dæge ðe mon ða aðas swor þæt ne ðeowe ne fro ne moton in ðone here faran butan leafe ne heora nan ðe ma to us; gif ðonne gebyrige þæt for neode heora hwylc wið ure bige habban wille oððe we wið heora mid yrfe 7 mid æhtum, ðæt is to ðafianne on ða wisan ðæt man gislas sylle friðe to wedde 7 to swutulunge ðæt man wite ðæþ man clæne bæc hæbbe.