Page:The Legal Code of Ælfred the Great.djvu/159

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Ðis is þæt frið ðæt ælfred cyng 7 guðrum cing 7 ealles angelcynnes witan 7 eal seo ðeod ðe on eastenglum beoð, 7 gesworen habbað ge for hy sylfe ge for heora ofspryng.

ærest ymbe heora landgemæra: andlang temese þonne up on ligean, andlang ligean oð hire æwylm, ðanon on gerihta to beda forda, þanon upon on usan oð wætlinga stræt. 7 hi cwædon, gyf mon ofslægen wurðe, eal we letað efen dyrne engliscne 7 denisce, þæt is to .VIII. healf marcum asodenes goldes, buton ðam ceorle ðe on gafollande sit, 7 heora lysyngon......

7 gyf man cynges ðegen beteo manslihtas 7 he hine ladian durre, do he þæt mid .XII. cynges þegnas, 7 gyf mon ðone man betyhð þe bið læssa maga, ladie hine .XI. his gelicena, 7 anum cyninges ðegene.

7 ealle hig gecwædon ða man þa aðas swor þæþ naðor ne we on ðone here faran buton leafe, ne heora non ða ma to us, buton man trywan 7 betwynan gyslas sylle, friðe to wedde 7 to swutelunge þæt man mid rihte fare, gyf þæt geneodige, þæt ure ænig to oðrum fæce mid yrfe and mid æhtum.