Page:The Letters of Cicero Shuckburg III.pdf/405

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B.C. 68. Coss., L. Æt. 38. Death of Cicero's cousin
Lucilius Metellus, L. Cicero and of his father (?).
Q. Marcus Rex.
                                  Atticus buys an estate near Buthrotum.

                                  Letters I-III.

B.C. 67. Coss., C. Æt. 39. Cicero elected prætor after
Calpurnius Piso, two postponements of the comitia and
Manius Acilius some serious riots (Dio, 36, 38-39).
                                  The war against the pirates intrusted
                                  to Pompey by the lex Gabinia.

                                  Birth of the younger Q. Cicero.

                                  Letters IV-VII.

B.C. 66. Coss., Manius Æt. 40. Prætor Urbanus.
Æmilius Lepidus,
L. Volcatius Delivers the speech pro Cluentio: and
Tullus. the first contio or speech to the people
                                  extant, pro imperio Cn. Pompei (pro lege
                                  Manilia), to give Pompey the command
                                  in the Mithradatic war.

                                  Quintus Cicero elected ædile.

                                  Letters VIII, IX.

B.C. 65. Coss., L. Æt. 41. Speech pro C. Cornelio, of
Aurelius Cotta, L. which only fragments remain.
Manlius Torquatus.
                                  Cicero begins making preparations for
                                  his canvass for the consulship.

                                  Birth of Cicero's son Marcus (July).

                                  Letters X, XI.

B.C. 64. Coss., L. Æt. 42. Elected consul with C. Antonius.
Iulius Cæsar, C.
Martius Figulus. Speech in Toga Candida, of which fragments remain.

                                  Q. Cicero addresses to him the essay
                                  de Petitione Consulatus (vol. i., pp. 367-381).

                                  Tullia betrothed to C. Piso Frugi.

                                  Birth of Horace.

B.C. 63. Coss., M. Æt. 43. Consul. Speeches de lege
Tullius Cicero, C. agraria in Rullum (3), pro C. Rabirio, pro
Antonius. Murena, in Catilinam (3). Suppression
                                  of the Catilinarian conspiracy and execution
                                  of the conspirators in the Mamertine
                                  prison (November-December).

                                  On December 31st the tribune Q. Metellus
                                  Nepos prevents Cicero from addressing
                                  the people on laying down his*