Page:The Life and Works of Christopher Dock.djvu/260

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Humility is a lofty virtue
The charm of old age and the adornment of youth,
It leads mankind heavenward.
Therefore remain ever devoted to it.
Why should man, the little worm, be proud
Who has received his possessions from God,
Whom every disease promptly disfigures
And whom death strikes to earth?
Honor every man according to his rank,
If thou wouldst turn love and praise upon thyself;
Especially, fear and love at all times
Teachers and those in authority.
Gray hairs with equal measure
Let honor be given by thee.
Who does not strive to do this,
Is himself not worthy of honor.
Idling is a wicked life
To which no man should submit himself.
Sloth weakens mind and spirit,
On the contrary, work is very good.
One must consider St. Paul's words,
That who would not work should not eat;
Therefore, let each one follow the calling
For which God the Lord created him.
Avarice is the root of all evil;
Let it by no means oppress thee,
Because it leads the soul from God,
And leads many into destruction.