Page:The Life and Works of Christopher Dock.djvu/261

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What the hand of the Highest has given thee
Use that aright and be content.
Be pious and adhere to honesty,
Then great joy is prepared for thee.
Whole-souledness in right things
Causes them ultimately to succeed.
Perseverance in the right track
Is indeed becoming to good Christians.
We shall fear God and not inquire
What weak man may say;
But he who has God for a friend
Is a man whom no one injures.
The more thy enemies envy thee
The more shalt thou avoid the bad,
The more thou art despised and hated,
The more be armed with understanding.
A pious man will remain upright,
No matter what hate and envy do to him;
He who stands well with his Creator
Is a man who never sinks.
Skill and understanding are precious gifts.
Thou, too, shalt strive to gain them,
Especially in the time of youth.
When everything is easily learned.
If God has given thee a pound,
Then shall it not be hid by thee.
Use it to the glory of God,
That thy neighbor may have use of thee.