Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/457

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There was no mysticism or supernaturalism in the minds of the persons who placed the guards at the entrance of Mrs. Eddy’s tomb. It was done for the usual reasons. Many years ago Mrs. Eddy caused to be published the following statement:

“A despatch is given to me calling for an answer, Am I the second Christ?”

“Even the question shocks me. What I am is for God to declare in His infinite mercy. As it is I claim nothing more than what I am, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, and the blessing it has been to mankind which eternity unfolds.

“My books and teachings maintain but one conclusion and statement of the Christ and the deification of mortals. … There was, is, and ever can be but one God, one Jesus of Nazareth. Whoever in any age expresses most of the spirit of truth and love, the principle of God’s idea, has most of the spirit of Christ.

“If Christian Scientists find in my writings, teachings, and example, a greater degree of this spirit than in others, they can justly declare it. But to think or speak of me in any manner as a Christ is sacrilegious. Such a statement would not only be false, but the absolute antipode of Christian Science, and would savor more of heathenism than of my doctrines.”

Mr. Farlow continues:

While absolute Christian Science teaches that all is Spirit and Spirit’s manifestation it does not ignore the relative fact — the temporal and false appearance — that in our present immature condition we have more or less of a misconception of creation which will improve and eventually disap-