Page:The Life of Mary Baker Eddy (Wilbur).djvu/458

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pear as we advance spiritually and that eventually we will be able to see all things as God sees them in all their spirituality and perfection.

While Christian Scientists believe the Scriptural teaching that the time will come when there will be no more death, they take the common-sense view that centuries may pass meanwhile before this exalted spiritual estate is reached.

Christian Scientists believe the Scriptural teaching concerning the resurrection, that it means a putting off of mortality and a putting on of immortality. In other words a gradual spiritual growth wherein the individual makes a transition from a material condition to a spiritual condition.

They believe that the resurrection begins in this life and continues here or hereafter until perfection is attained. This is the belief that they entertain concerning Mrs. Eddy. They do not look for her return to this world.

But Mrs. Eddy taught immortality of the individual consciousness, and immortality is everywhere the underlying spiritual significance of her writings. Before her individual form fades from our vision in the lovelier realms of a more etherealized condition, it may be well to fix her thought of the future life in her own words. She has said:

Truth demonstrated is eternal Life.