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Abbeville visited, i. 74.

Acland, Sir H., i. 132.

Adams, Rev. W.F., i. 38; ii. 365.

Æneid, Morris's translation, i. 330-322.

Aitken, Miss, i. 355–356.

Akureyri, i. 303.

Aldenham, Lord, ii. 344.

Allen, Grant, ii. 278.

Allingham, W., i. 113; ii. 81.

Allman, J.P., ii. 186.

Alphington, Devon, i. 28.

"Als ich kanne," motto, i. 110.

Alton Towers, i. 334.

Amiens Cathedral, i. 98.

"Amis and Amillion," i. 201; ii. 298.

Ancient Buildings, Society for Protection of, i. 348–355.

Ancoats Brotherhood, ii. 121, 316.

Angelico, i. 42; ii. 287.

Angling, Morris's love of, i. 224.

Anti-Scrape, i. 357.

Apocalypse, MS. at the Bodleian, i. 42.

Arbroath, ii. 169.

"Aristomenes," fragment of, pub. in the Athenæum, i. 189, 213.

Armansfell, i. 272.

Armour, suit of, i. 124–125.

Arms of the Morris family, i. 12.

Arnold, M., i. 346, 377; ii. 89, 91, 198.

Art Workers' Guild, ii. 208.

Arts and Crafts Society, ii. 206, 237.

Arundale, Misses, school, i. 12.

Ashbourne, i. 334.

Asmundr, Dean, i. 261.

Aubusson tapestry, i. 374.

Avebury, i. 25.

Aveling, Dr., ii. 149–151.

Avranches, letter from, i. 75.

Axewater, i. 276.

Baldwin, Mrs. A., i. 119, 281, 295, 304, 311, 318.

Bampton, ii. 222.

"Banded Men," i. 308.

Baring, Mrs., house in Devonshire, i. 364.

Batchelor & Son, papermakers, ii. 265.

Bathstead, i. 269.

Bax, E.B., ii. 185, 187, 304.

Bazin, M., brocade-weaver, i. 362.

Beadon Road meetings, ii. 183, 188.

Beauvais, ii. 275.

Bed valance verses, ii. 283.

Belgium, visit to, in 1874, i. 313.